The Artillery Commander appreciates the participation of the Batahin tribe in supporting the armed forces and confirms that the criminal and traitor has no tribe.

Major General Mohammed Al-Amin Hassan Abdel-Wahab Khairy, Commander of the Artillery Corps, praised the participation of the Al-Batahin tribe and their support and assistance to the armed forces. He said in press releases that the Al-Batahin tribe is being taken into account. one of the largest tribes in the country, which has its share and obvious contribution to the programs, mobilization and mobilization of the nation. He added that this tribe has a long, long and deep history and has continued to provide many, many martyrs. the Battle of Karama and has taken a firm stand alongside the armed forces in providing support and assistance convoys since the outbreak of the rebellion. He said we testify that they were among the first tribes to provide men and supplies. are weak souls in every tribe and group, and they are even considered outcasts within their families.

He added that in the armed forces and artillery, their confidence will remain strong in the Al-Batahin tribe as support and support for the armed forces, which provide the homeland, land and honor.

The Commander expressed his deep gratitude to the Al-Batahin council and all its mayors, sheikhs, notables, leaders and employees.

We note that some parties with goals and objectives have attempted, through means and media, to spread lies in the name of the Artillery Commander with accusations and to demean the Batahin tribe through targeting campaigns and to sow discord by lying and misleading public opinion. , and everything reported is an invention of these people and is false.

Support the victory of our armed forces and those who support them over all enemies, agents, mercenaries and traitors at home and abroad, and shame and shame for the enemies of the homeland.

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