The Attorney General: Steps that met with immense approval and great joy from public opinion – Qaht: He has two choices: prison or exile… and the world will sell them at a low price – Kabawi – ✍️. Dr. Omar Capo

++ We always express our conviction without plotting, waiting or stalking. We seek first the satisfaction of God and strive to serve our great homeland. We do not fear, in truth, the blame of the guilty…

++ We say to the benefactor: “Well done” and to the transgressor: “You have made a mistake” and we reject every desperate attempt that calls for disappointment and despair, because our hope in God is great, who will give victory to his faithful servants…

++ When our Lord the Conqueror Tayfur took office as the Attorney General, we were very happy to know him, because he had a good reputation and a great accumulated experience. On that day, we announced our support for him through a published article. was praised by those who knew his virtue.

++But many events took place after that, in which we felt the slowness, inaction and slowness in the action of the public prosecutor, which tempted the oppressive opponents of the nation ((God honors the listeners)) to descend like humble people to a great depth of triviality and descent into treason, mercenary work and selling the nation without modesty or embarrassment. The stage of work to support and help the criminal rebel militia to please their masters, the children of Zayed, has reached…

++ Which made us demand his dismissal and that the case be entrusted to a serious, active, courageous man who takes serious steps to work to recover these imbeciles through ((Interpol) criminals in their place ((path or life). imprisonment)) without delay…

++ It is only fair to prove to this man that he willingly tolerated our harsh criticism of him and treated the media with great respect and without sensitivity. On the contrary, he accepted our point of view, and the proof of this is this vast and widespread movement. ((In the name of God, God willing)) which the public prosecution is witnessing from him and his deputy, Maulana Yasser, inside and outside Sudan…

++ The day before yesterday, Saturday, Our Lord the Attorney General announced through the program ((An hour with a civil servant)) that the public prosecutor had issued recovery warrants against ((346)) accused fleeing the symbols of the rebellion and their supporters from the indignities of drought/dwarfism, may the curse of God be upon them all…

++ While he has taken his historic decision to circulate a red notice against ((16)) of them, he hopes for the cooperation of the countries hosting the wanted persons, in addition to the signing by Sudan of joint cooperation agreements with these countries…

++ This approach takes a lot of effort until it sees the light of day by arresting them and throwing them into prisons awaiting trial on charges punishable by death so that they can be an example to those who betray their country and communicate with foreigners against the Sudanese…

++ This means accelerating the recovery steps, which require diligent correspondence, monitoring and communication with the relevant institutions in these countries…

++ A long-delayed step will limit their movements and make them disappear and move only in limited spaces. Perhaps they will disappear from sight all at once, so that no one will notice them and God's creation will be relieved of their disgusting appearance. …

++ While each of them will live in terror and terrible psychological pressure, he and his family, thinking that every knock on the door ((Interpol)) will stop him…

++ With this measure, the Attorney General has taken a serious step in the right direction that should have been taken from the first day of the outbreak of the war, because prosecutions had been delayed at the time of his predecessor ((the Janjaweed). )), we support him, hoping that these measures have achieved what they aimed for. By arresting these traitor agents and bringing them to justice as a form of retaliation, an innocent citizen has suffered more damage than they did to his honor, money, security and home…

++ We will follow these legal procedures step by step from the history of this dialogue to see the real success of the man in arresting the enemies of the homeland, the opponents of the free and proud Sudanese people…

++ Write about me, because the fate of humiliations is the dryness of prisons or exile, if it is not the case ((droah)). his share…

*Our army, machine*

*Safe, Jinn*

*Innocent, O Messenger of God*

*Omar Capo*

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