The battle for dignity is the battle of a nation – Sharing is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a national greeting to all my compatriots who hold the embers of the homeland and the trigger of the gun to defend Sudan, its land and its people, against the greatest evil plan with a global poisonous agenda aimed at erasing the State of Sudan from the map of existence.

Glory be to God, those who planned these plans, including the forces of global arrogance and the tools of implementation, the terrorist militia Dagalo and the agents, the shameless spies of the embassy, ​​thought that by lighting the fuse of war, the objectives of their program would be achieved after the failure of its implementation by the puppet government of Hamdok and the colonial mission of Volcker.

But they were disappointed because this war turned into a battle of pride and dignity for the Sudanese people after the brutal practices and violations perpetrated by Hemedti's criminal militia, supported by its supportive political wing, who acted shamelessly under the watchful eye of the silent world, as happened in Gaza.

The Sudanese nation has lost lives and precious property in this battle – the looting and rape of women – the destruction and occupation of public and private institutions (institutions and homes). But what it has been completely unable to take is the pride and dignity. and the dignity of this people, which is the real provision and fuel for us in continuing our fight until the goal we seek. To crush and crush the last Janjaweed rebel mercenary and eliminate all collaborators, Qahati agents.

Now, the cries of Janja and Bani Qahtut have been raised after the statements of Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta, member of the Sovereignty Council and assistant to the Commander-in-Chief, who always blocks the return to their presence in the post-war scene, and even closes the door with a hammer and a key in front of any deception by negotiation or other tortuous ways before the masters of the Axis of Evil. Their slaves are the Janjaweed and they are rude.

Nation of Sudan, oh fools, we do not look at our borders. On the contrary, we will bring all of Africa and the world to embrace and free themselves by breaking the chains of Mama America and her allies, whose shoes you lick and cannot lift. Perhaps history will not forget that there was a man in Sudan called Field Marshal Omar al-Bashir. He said: “America is subjected to two thirty-a-year reign packages, and you have forgotten the Lord Almighty and”. you have taken America as your lord, and you have not stayed more than three years. The people you tried to deceive with a revolution that was a foreign creation in which you had no role have been expelled, except like donkeys carrying their burdens.

This is a battle in which the Sudanese nation sacrificed the best of its sons to protect its religion, land and honor, in the face of unprecedented devastation and devastation – displacement, killing and rape. Victory and victory will be ours in the end. God willing.

The battle for dignity is a restructuring of the new Sudan, in which there is room only for every zealous patriot who fights for the best interest of the country, ready to rebuild and develop what the war has destroyed.

The battle for dignity was lost and the buildings were destroyed, but patriotism, meanings and values ​​rose so high that they embraced the sky.

The battle for dignity has raised our level of desperate defense, our belief that this land is ours, that we were born, raised and grown up on it. It contains the graves of our grandfathers and fathers, so do not neglect to stay there or to be buried inside.

The battle for dignity has exalted and elevated the meanings and values ​​of religion among us, who shamelessly tried to fight it under the pretext of linking it to the pact in the name of political liquidations and implementing the external agenda drawn up for Islam, which made it clear that this is one of the main reasons for our struggle, but with the prayers of the righteous in the mosques and communal solidarity, the highest levels of altruism and compassion were applied, and the rings were able to be destroyed. a conspiracy that was waiting for displacement and shelter in camps, like those who were afflicted by the war that preceded us, until the climate became conducive for them to place us in the lap of the new global colonialism.

The Battle of Karama mobilized the entire Sudanese people and restored the culture of militarism among the most important sectors, the youth sector and the women's sector. It was an extension of the epics recorded with letters of light in its history, the Summer of Transit and the Summer of Transit. Fortieth thousand.

The Battle of Dignity made every citizen aware of the value of the homeland, especially those who were forced by the war to leave the borders.

The Battle for Dignity has made us aware of who is our righteous and who is our enemy and has recorded a true reading of our international relations, particularly our neighbours.

The battle for dignity is a battle of a nation in truth, to which everyone contributed what they could and could not, which revealed the strength and resilience of the Sudanese people in the face of calamities and adversity.

Fasher Al-Sultan will remain a symbol of steadfastness and defiance in the epic battle of Karama

Tomorrow is victory and celebration, once the clouds pass, great joy is coming to the nation, so get ready, patient people of Sudan, victorious, God willing.

Oh my God, grant us the victory of your soldiers, the soldiers of Sudan, and defeat their enemy and the enemy of the people, the Janjaweed and the bastards, and those who stand behind them, the mighty global arrogance.

Accept the martyrs, the glory of the Sudanese nation, heal the wounded, release the prisoners, return the missing safe and sound to their families, O Lord of the worlds.

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