The battle for dignity through the eyes of a living theater in the locality of Al-Dabbah

*With the generous sponsorship** of the Executive Director of Al-Dabbah Locality, Mr. Muhammad Saber Muhammad Ahmad Kashkash, and in coordination with the Ministry of Culture of Al-Dabbah Locality and local creators, and out of conviction in the role of culture in changing the misconceptions of society and increasing the sense of security among citizens, he sponsored a theatrical cultural event of Bassem

*(Live Theatre*)

The *idea* of theater on air was born from the belief that theater should go to the citizens in their place. In the market, all horizons of society are mixed, and they have confirmed their position alongside the Sudanese armed forces.


In schools, students are made aware that these phenomena are not trivial and that they should not follow them.

The playwrights presented three performances in three weeks in Al-Ghaba, Al-Tadamon administrative unit and Al-Dabbah.

*Increase *the feeling of security* *

*No* to the rumor***

The presentations included a reference to the issue of sleeper cells and those who collaborate with the enemy who spread rumors to destabilize societal security and terrorize people, and the need to follow them in all sectors of security and society. Through this work, citizens were made aware of how to deal with rumors, not to pay attention to them and to take information only from official sources.

**No to harassment**

The second work drew attention to the phenomenon of bullying among students, especially those who arrived because of the war, and this work was presented within Al-Ghaba School and Al-Tadamon Primary School to combat this negative phenomenon.


These performances were accompanied by surveys to find out people's opinions on these phenomena presented through the play, with which people interacted a lot and participated in the surveys with complete spontaneity, sincerity, enthusiasm and admiration.

*Viewers share*

Viewers highlighted the importance of culture, its influence and effectiveness among young people and children and awareness raising.

*In conclusion, thanks and appreciation*

At the end of the program, the Executive Director of Al-Dabba locality, Mr. Mohamed Saber, thanked the theaters for presenting such interactive public works and demanded the continuation and more of them due to their importance and reasons in this historical period when the armed forces, the joint forces, the Mustafarin and the armed movements are struggling and fighting heroically for the sake of the existence of the Sudanese state and for the protection of citizens and religion.

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