The battle is not only in Sudan! – Race in politics – ✍️ Al-Tarifi Abu Naba

We read and understand well that the plan supported by the world powers and implemented by brutal supporting militias is not the installation of a submissive president who works for the Western machine, nor is it a desire to steal the country's wealth, which is what we always do. We do not know it, even if we believe in its existence. The plan is rather to stir up conflicts and divide Sudan into mini-states, and the reality of the situation makes it useless to think of anything else. rejected (the bounty) that was presented to them by an authority that they did not deserve, was arrogant and betrayed the country and declared war for war and not for slandered democracy. Reading the reality of the battles on the ground, the observer notices that the militias have no other goal than to sow confusion and open new fields of war. After their failure in Khartoum, they left for the island with no other objective than to spread terror and displace the defenseless citizens. From there, they headed towards Sennar with their eyes fixed on the Blue. The Nile and the Nile. Their primary objective is to force the authorities to abandon the West, especially Darfur and Kordofan, to establish a new state… a state for Zionism and mercenaries. The plan is to control the sources of development and drainage. to the center of the country from El Obeid to Kordofan and from your Lord to Khartoum and the Nile, while keeping the Northern State and the Red Sea State isolated, making them an axis of control in the Middle East and the North. Africa… Otherwise, how could this militia infiltrate the entire country without having a government administration and without seeking to establish an administration with solid governance foundations… We are all aware of the scale of the plot and remember well the offer of the United Arab Emirates state to solve the problem of poverty in the east of the country and the negotiations to grant it an area there to establish a central port that would allow it to control African trade…

From now on, the open game, sovereignty and unity of the nation will not be in the hands of politicians, but in the hands of the protectors of the nation, among the leaders of our army, who are aware of the scale of the conspiracy and the outcome of the situation.

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