The Battle of Dignity…(Fighters) in another (battle) – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

At a time when the Sudanese Armed Forces are offering (courses) on how to manage (battles), offering (lectures) on how to manage (war) cities, offering (courses) on managing (war) 'an (international) war in (the garb of) internal rebellion and offers (course) At a time when (needle drilling) has become an autonomous (school) in (military science), and at a time when the armed forces present (arts) by (cancelling) the experiments of hundreds of (advisors) and (experts) and turning them into (waste), and at a time when the armed forces presented (new) innovations which were not not present in (the history of) military academies, and at a time when the armed forces presented all these things in (military sciences), at that time there were (fighters) in (another) battle in (another) battle that Al-Karama offers the same (sciences), (lectures), (courses), (courses), (arts) and (courses), and they add to (their battle) these (innovations) in the way their battle is (managed) in this specialized aspect.

Perhaps one of the most important contributions of Sudanese diplomacy is the Sudanese representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Al-Harith Idris Al-Harith, who is waging a fierce (diplomatic) battle in which (professionalism) is the (master) of the field and (experience) in which (obtains) victory and full knowledge of international law. It is He who makes the difference.

Yes, in a military battle there may be a difference between (equipment) and (equipment), and there may be a difference between (training) and (preparation), and in the military field there may be factors (natural) or (factors) on the grounds that (balance) in favor of (one side) over (the other), but in the diplomatic (battle) you must be at the level of all ambassadors. You are the representative of Sudan. are no less (in prestige) and (in experience) than the ambassadors of the veto holders, nor less in status than the ambassadors of Europe and America, and no less (powerful) than the ambassadors of the countries with highest incomes in the world. is a diplomatic battle, and he who has his tools can achieve victory. Indeed, Sudan's Ambassador to the United Nations, Al-Harith Idris Al-Harith, upon his appointment, did an excellent job that amazed ambassadors of countries around the world. rooms. )The United Nations amazed people (in politics) and (media) outside New York and America and (ignited) the social media platforms and made the world contemplate such diplomatic (capabilities) , who provided diplomatic work in the truest sense of the word. meaning of the term and provided the United Nations (precedents) to the power of (logic).

It was the great national motivations that pushed the Sudanese team at the United Nations, led by Ambassador Al-Harith, to present this work which “amazed” the world.

It's the same thing that pushed our national football team to be on time while presenting a (costly) patriotic (lesson) while his country bleeds (blood) from this war and he (fights) ) on behalf of Sudan in light of its interest. and care in (the war) which is certainly much (less) than it is on the scale, but the Sudanese youth are participating in the World Cup qualifiers with a group that includes football champions like the Senegal, which has represented the African continent more than once in the World Cup, and Congo, which has a history in African championships. In addition to South Sudan and Mauritania, the Sudanese national team, despite all these circumstances that the country is going through, is at the top of this group and holds its place until now. “top” and “eyes” on international participation in the World Cup.

The world itself (observes) Sudan with great admiration and amazement as it presents (the arts) in military work, (the arts) in diplomatic work and (the arts) in sports work .

If Sudan was at the beginning of (the universe), it taught the world (the arts of) agriculture and its levers and provided them with (the arts of) iron making and the mechanisms (of war) of (swords) and (shields) and taught the world (arts) of architecture by building the pyramids and dealing with nature through chemistry, physics and biology, at the end of this (universe) he proposes them (the arts) in the sciences (military), (diplomacy), and (mathematics) Because the Sudanese man began the world with him and with him the world ends.

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