The British ambassador… confesses and embellishes – what is behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*UK law prohibits providing such direct financial support*

*Funding provides direct support to conference participants who have committed war crimes*

*A progress conference attended by known militia leaders*

*The Taqaddum Conference chose Al-Hadi Idris as Hamdok's deputy, and his forces attack El-Fasher, killing women and children and destroying civilian installations*

*Al-Hadi Idriss and Al-Taher Hajar forces destroyed El-Fasher Children's Hospital and killed children and women*

Mr Giles, the British ambassador to Sudan, admitted that his country had given its support to Taqaddam, and that his government would continue to support (the Sudanese who are anti-war and who are working for a democratic transition). done without violating British laws, which is not true, the ambassador fell into a great contradiction and a fatal error. His support for a conference attended by those contributing to the massacre of the Sudanese is considered a war crime, and if the Ambassador of His Majesty the King of England does not know this, then it is a disaster, and if he knows it, then the disaster is even greater.

For the information of Mr. Ambassador, what he did in accordance with diplomatic norms and Sudanese and international laws is considered interference in the internal affairs of Sudan, and the parties forming the project are prohibited, according to the Sudanese parties. Law, of receiving money from a stranger, and with this admission he puts him under penalty of that. The law exposes it to responsibilities that could lead to its dissolution and confiscation of its assets.

To your knowledge, Mr. Ambassador, his country financed a conference in which participated (Al-Tahir Hajar and Al-Hadi Idris), leaders of movements fighting alongside the Rapid Support Militia, and accused of having attacked the El Fasher children's hospital, killing women and children and causing the destruction of the southern hospital, as proven by the testimonies of the people and the confessions of the movement's prisoners of war, as well as the choice of the conference supported. by the country of the ambassador, El Hadi Idriss, as Hamdok's deputy, and his forces attack El Fasher, killing women and children and destroying civilian installations, which constitute war crimes punishable by law international law and international humanitarian law.

For the information of Mr. Ambassador, the conference, financed by his country, brought together a number of leaders of the rapid support rebel militias, notably (Balla Abdel Sayed, head of the Liaison Committee of the rapid support militias, Adam Hasab Al-Rasul, representative of the Rapid Support Militia in Britain, and Ezzedine Al-Safi, member of the Rapid Support Militia negotiating delegation, Mustafa Bakht introduced himself as a representative of the herders and is affiliated with the Rapid Support Militia made a speech on behalf of the herders and attacked the armed forces and said the army was beheading citizens.

Is the Ambassador not aware of the participation of all these people? Was His Excellency aware that the farmers' representative was prevented from delivering his speech simply because he condemned the Rapid Support Militia? Was he deceived by Taqadum's claims that it is neutral and seeking to stop the war? How do you explain the participation of a number of Janjaweed leaders in the founding conference of Taqadum?

Whether the British Foreign Office holds its ambassador to Sudan to account or not, and whether Mr Giles remains in his post or resigns, or is dismissed, the question is not whether he admitted having provided direct financial support to this country. At the conference, and these are comments that undermine claims of “progress” and its hiding behind intelligence facades, we argue with him that UK law prohibits the provision of such direct financial support, and we remind him in doing so. therefore he abuses and incites hatred against the vast majority of Sudanese, and that the simple presence of the militia leaders, Al-Tahir Hajar and Al-Hadi Idris prohibits him from financing the conference, and we say if he did not know it Not, Dr. Hamdok, the former Prime Minister, had won the support of the majority of the Sudanese people after the glorious December revolution, but he failed to lead the transition period and he missed an opportunity for the Sudanese people who will not be replaced. and he left the door of action and influence trying to return through the window.

These facts about the participation of militia leaders and the confirmed evidence of the participation of the two movements (Al-Tahir Hajar and Al-Hadi Idris) in the siege battles of El-Fasher and the starvation of thousands of civilians, place us before Mr. Ambassador, and the burden of proving the contrary is on him, but he will not do it, because he knows all this, it is the policy of his country towards Sudan, since Mr. Irfan Siddiq was ambassador, starting with his. The country's insistence, through the Quartet, to impose the framework agreement, and does not end with the obstruction of its country's representative in the Security Council in the examination of Sudan's complaint against the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Ambassador tries in vain to embellish his act, which is contrary to the UAE. diplomatic standards. His Excellency said he supports and will support progress, which includes militia members and their partners in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

June 2, 2024 AD

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