The Brothers of Al-Baraa Ibn Malik and the Disciples of Gog and Magog – Masarib Al-Dhay – ✍️ Dr Muhammad Tabidi

Paths of light

🖊️ A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi

🖊️And I will write until my last breath

🎯 Brothers of Al-Baraa Ibn Malik and disciples of Gog and Magog

Young men who believed in their Lord and jihad in his cause, God guided them and all the people prayed for their victory, for their martyrs to be accepted, for their wounded to recover quickly and to fulfill their wishes. in the front ranks for a great victory that rejoices the hearts of the patient people of Sudan who seek affliction from God, and every trial from him is good, and for those who are patient is rewarded and reward and reward, and for those who are rewarded. cooperated with the terrorist Al Dagalo militia, shame and shame over the years, this rebellious militia whose mercenaries boast of giving them names after Gog and Magog, and they are a people who corrupt the land on which Alexander Dhul-Qarnain, the righteous king and the righteous servant, built a ruin on them to ward off the evil of Gog and Magog from the servants of God. The righteous are their evil. We are divided between those who boast of their affiliation with the corrupt people and those who claim evil. the names of the heroic mujahideen, such as Al-Baraa bin Malik, may God be pleased with him. This is the religion of the Sudanese youth, the sincere sons of the homeland compete to provide for it and prepare to redeem it. mind and spirit. And God is able to grant them victory, and now they offer lessons and lessons of martyrdom, redemption is on all fronts, and they advance in the ranks of the fighters, offering martyr after martyr, decorating the seat of the throne of the Most Merciful with the pure light of their souls, which they sacrificed as martyrs for the sake of the homeland, and by killing him Satan's livelihood has blocked the terrorist militia of the Dagalo family in the fire of hell, in which they will remain. forever, their skins will be replaced with new ones, because their bachelors will continue to be in hell, and miserable is the fate of what they have done, among the Sudanese people, there are those who killed, plundered, raped, arrested, mistreated, killed military families and mutilated their pure bodies.

The Al-Baraa bin Malik battalion was promoted to brigade, then governor corps, and to this day the number of mujahideen joining them is increasing and they are progressing through the ranks, and with them is the great Sudanese army with its infantry, its artillery, air force, other units, intelligence services, mobilizers and police. And, God willing, our sincere sons, the brothers of Al-Baraa bin Malik, will destroy the mercenaries and henchmen, the brothers of Al-Baraa bin Malik. Gog and Magog, and we will celebrate the victory. Great joy will fill all parts of the country after their defeat in Omdurman, Khartoum, Bahri, Al-Jazeera, Sennar and every inch of the country, and sadness will fill their homes in the south. Sudan, Mali, Niger, Central Africa, Libya, Ethiopia and all the neighbors who conspired with them, as well as the organizations and unions who paid the price, the United Nations, the court penal and their godfather, Mohammed ben Zayed, their main guarantor. And the devil of the Arabs.

Oh my God, help our brothers in the armed forces

Glory and eternity to our righteous martyrs

And death and annihilation for the rapid support militia

Sudanese soldiers will remain the best soldiers in the world

And I will write to the country until my last breath


Allah says: –

In the name of God the Merciful

*Go, light and heavy, and fight with your riches and your souls in the cause of God. It would be better for you, if you only knew.

The Great Truth of God


The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

*“Whoever dies while in the path of God, the righteousness that he did will be rewarded, and his livelihood will be rewarded to him, and he will be free from temptation, and God will raise him up on the day of the resurrection, sheltered from the greatest terror. »*

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