The city of Abu Hamad is dying and the people of the region are living in tragic conditions – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

A message from our colleague and veteran journalist, Jamal Al-Aqeed, correspondent for SUNA News Agency, on the situation in the city of Abu Hamad, in the Nile State, on the scale of the disasters caused by torrential waters and rains. There is a sense of shame in terms of the damage caused to the city, and we know that the losses are great, but this is the will of God, Glory be to Him, and we only say what pleases God and we ask that God compensate with kindness and heal their wounds. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured, and we have mercy on the souls of those who died there and those we consider to be among the group of martyrs.

The current situation in this area threatens to be a real disaster, especially when citizens are exposed to the elements. What has exacerbated the suffering of citizens is the power outage, which may be due to the fall of poles or other reasons, which has caused the bakeries to shut down. and has ultimately contributed to the lack of food availability.

We mention here that the autumn is still in its early stages and the danger is still imminent. We hope that the Nile State government will act quickly to support the people by moving urgent convoys to get help and support so that the suffering does not worsen; especially since the area has children, elderly and sick people who cannot bear it.

We also call on local civil society organisations to go there immediately to provide possible assistance to the populations of the region and to accompany the international organisations working in the country, because the situation cannot tolerate any delay.

We know the difficult conditions that the country and its citizens are currently going through due to the conditions of war and its consequences, but giving what you can will help reduce the damage. The localities of the Nile State, in addition to their contribution to the war. helping the population, must collect donations from citizens and businessmen, and the locality of Abu Hamad may, in light of these exceptional circumstances, adopt a specific window or plan to be agreed to receive these sums from other states or expatriates in the region or. Communication companies from different regions of Sudan may be involved in this matter by transferring the balance, each according to its capabilities, and this may be called (Abu Hamad calls) or any other appropriate name chosen to collect donations.

And Allah helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother. He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said in this regard: Whoever relieves a believer of the distress of this world, Allah will relieve him of the distress of the world. On the Day of Resurrection, and Allah will not waste the best of deeds.

We, in turn, see it as a test and a trial that must be accepted and which is part of the belief in fate and destiny, its good and its bad.

What has increased our sadness about the situation is the emergence of thefts of citizen property seen in broad daylight in the midst of this ordeal and their exploitation by weak souls who have been stripped of their humanity in a gesture that does not resemble us as Sudanese, especially in these difficult times and circumstances, and this can also lead to the theft of state property because everyone is preoccupied by the events, well the police forces on the ground have protected these properties and dissuaded anyone who dared to do this modest work.

Our last message here is that we are sending it to the Federal Ministry of Health and the Länder so that they take into account the emergence of epidemics, anticipate them and prepare for them early by providing medicines so that we do not enter the circle of unexpected surprises.

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