The clock won't go back ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

Every time Sudan takes a step towards the East, “America, Britain, France” explode squares and brandish sticks, it becomes clear that the West is very concerned about its colonial interests in our country.

Even though the militants allied to the “Al Dagalo” militia hoped for a significant increase in the scale of sanctions and that the arms embargo decision would include all of Sudan, and then include international forces, thus saving the gangs of thugs from the crusher of the National Army and the Popular Resistance, and for “Abdul Rahim Dagalo” to return to his country, accompanied by “Hamdok”. However, the Sudanese government, through the coordination committee with the United Nations and the permanent representative, Al-Harith Idris, once again foiled the plot and managed to maintain the situation as it has been since the issuance of the resolution (1591) in the year 2005 AD, which imposed a ban on weapons in Darfur, knowing that this resolution at that time meant arming the Janjaweed under the Bashir regime.

Extending Resolution (1591) for another year is a technical renewal that is not in the interest of the “Taqaddum” group or the “Al Dagalo militia,” as it would reclassify their dreams for another year and would not push toward US-Emirati relations. pressure on the Sudanese government by moving the clock back to before April 15, 2023.

The failure of the draft resolution to ban weapons in Sudan, and thus to send foreign forces to occupy our country, gives the coordination committee with the United Nations headed by General “Ibrahim Jaber” and the permanent representative of Sudan, “Al-Harith Idris”, the most important right that aspires to write a fixed page in Sudanese history in golden letters, by which we mean consolidating the principle of Sudan's sovereignty and supporting the popular trend towards the unification of the national ranks, the army and the government in order to end the rebellion. militias are affecting our security and peace.

A year and a half has passed since the beginning of the Battle of Karama, and at every stage, the gains of the militias are diminishing, so that on every occasion they come up with a solution that demonstrates their willingness to compromise the sovereignty of our nation, the latest of which is the request to call for foreign military interventions. They know that the passage of time is neither in their interest nor in the interest of the Emirati sponsor.

My love and respect

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