The corruption prosecution investigates the so-called Hisham Hassan and summons other suspects, and there are surprises in the investigations – The Blue Gem – ✍️ Aziz Al-Khair


*Blue Gem*

*The corruption prosecution investigates the person called Hisham Hassan and summons other suspects, and there are surprises in the investigations.*

*Hisham turned out to be Joki*

*Who ran away from Hisham?*

*Written by. My God.✍️*

The prosecution summoned and investigated the person authorized by the General Union, called Hisham Hassan Al-Naim. It emerged from the investigation that there was a lot of new information, Hisham denied his relationship with the containers and explained that he was authorized to do so. of reception and delivery only. The strange thing about this case is that Hisham explained that there was an agreement to engage in certain issues. The issues and agreements were between Hisham and one of the union members, but the union member did not comply and ran away. from Hisham. This was done through the mediator who appeared in the case as a new party, and the name of more than one new person appeared in a complex file, including Saif Al-Kamelin, and the name of a new person who bought the product. Containers appeared in the case, according to Hisham's testimony, this person, the buyer, will be a major turning point in the case, as he reveals with whom the sales contract was concluded, who is the recipient, what is the price. of the goods, who received this money, and its real value. The trader or buyer will reveal the truth about the corruption that took place and the manipulation of people's money and public money. the buyer and issue a summons.. The coming days and investigations will reveal many exciting things in this strange case, while public opinion awaits the truth about the case.. The case of selling containers worth more than 400 thousand dollars for very cheap sums and the appearance of a permit for a person who is not affiliated with the union and does not have a customs clearance permit or legal status … Is this a valid hadith? Is there anything clearer than this in light of the revelation of corruption and manipulation of public funds?

What is the role of the General Federation and where is the committee that the General Federation formed to review the financial report submitted by the National Teams Committee? Everyone expected the courage of the union to hold the members involved in this crime accountable in court? But the union continued to try to hide the facts, obscure the truth and waste people's money.

Investigations continue in the prosecutor's office, which will reveal a lot in this case, and every day a person will appear with many exciting secrets.

Hisham spoke a lot of information, but we do not want to reveal these secrets, and the case is within the scope of prosecution, and the law must be respected. Hisham spoke frankly and explained how the cooperation took place and what was the return. Yes. , cooperation and authorization in return.. It is the Hessian Union that is drowning in a major corruption operation.. The heroes are clearly defined as members. In this union, the union is always working to hide the truth… and every day a story. and the anecdote will emerge…

Hisham turned out to be a prankster.

This has nothing to do with the Federation, clearance, sports or Federation committees. It turned out to be a big trick on the part of the Hessian Federation… It turned out that he did everything to get compensation. The most important thing is that Hisham, after all these efforts, has not yet received the compensation and continues to try to assert his rights in the face of this crime, but unfortunately he found only reasonable promises, but one person receives 15 containers with official permission and his share is deception… People are addicted to corruption, lies and hypocrisy… and the series continues…

Next episode: The prosecution bypasses the union and takes a dangerous step.

Dear God


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