The Council of the Shura and the notables of Four declares the actions of the Port Sudan group invalid and refuses the dismissal of the sultan

The Shura Council of the Fur tribe issued a statement denying the decision to remove Sultan Ahmed Hussein Ayoub Ali Dinar. The statement clarified the tribe's position on the rapid support militia. The statement added: The position of the Shura Council on the rapid support Janjaweed is to fight. to reclaim our usurped lands and restore our wasted dignity, so there is no room for compromise in this regard, especially from those who licked the tables of rapid support and received gifts from it.

The communiqué indicates that the Shura Council is a social entity and a supreme authority in the tribe, and that it is composed, according to law and custom, of the heads of the Fur indigenous administrations and known administrative hawakir holders, including the number is thirty-four. , with the addition of the Hakura of Dar Bakr in Gedaref.

The statement confirmed the invalidity of all decisions announced during the press conference on October 14, 2024 in the city of Port Sudan, and the statement called on the Shura Council of societal entities and official agencies of State not to give legitimacy to decisions that confiscated the rights of the tribe through invalid procedures that violate customs.

Here is the text of the declaration

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

Shura Council of Pan-Fur

The date is 13 Rabi' al-Awwal 1446 AH, corresponding to October 16, 2024 AD.

A statement regarding the decision attributed to the Shura Council immediately removing Sultan Ahmed Hussein, Almighty God, read:

(Indeed, those who tempt the believing men and women and do not repent – for them is the torment of Hell, and for them is the torment of the Fire.) Al-Buruj (10). Almighty God is true

October 14, 2024 AD; SUNA reported that the Fur Shura Council dismissed Sultan Ahmed Hussein Ayyub Ali Dinar, appointed the late Salah al-Din as replacement sultan, and that the sultan-designate appointed a number of members to the Shura Council. Shura in addition to forming a supreme committee. to manage the crisis.

The Shura Council wishes to clarify the following points to the tribesmen and others: –

First: The Shura is a social entity and a supreme authority in the tribe, and it is composed, by law and custom, of the heads of the local Fur administrations and the holders of the known administrative hawakir, the number of which is thirty-four , in addition to the Hakura of Dar Bakr in Gedaref. To these were added by election renowned members who took into account their abilities to enrich the Council with knowledge, experience, asceticism, convergence of generations and sincerity… In the case of important decisions , like the Sultan's choice, For example; They are joined by tribal notables from outside the Darfur region. It goes without saying that the power to dismiss the sultan is a right guaranteed to the one who elected him. No one has the right to confiscate this right through tyranny or in the service of personal, family or family ambitions and ambitions. . The right here is the right of the owners of the Hawakir and the notables appointed in accordance with the oldest customs of Sudan known as Daly law. Second: the effort of those who held the aforementioned press conference and after confiscating the right of Hawakir. tribe; To justify and excuse

The process of isolating the Sultan was motivated by the fact that he is an ally of the Rapid Support Militia! Here we would like to clarify the opinion

The general opinion in Sudan and among the tribesmen is that this is not at all our difference from those who made the Shura decision.

With decisions that the Shura Council only heard about at a press conference!

The conflict is methodological and procedural, due to a small unauthorized group making dismissals and appointments for which they do not have the authority to make.

Authority by origin and not by delegation. It is surprising that people dare to use a pretext against the Sultan and our people.

Evidence that incriminates them for their positions in the war before and after the war

They sucked the bloody breast of Rapid Support and the serious violations committed against the Four; Then they make sure they stick out like a hair

The dough! What kind of double standards do they follow that obscures their reality? As for the procedural difference they fell into: It is their demolition of the norms that govern segregation and assignment. It would have been preferable if they brought together the real beneficiaries and took their opinion on the dismissal and transfer… We recall the nullity of the assertion according to which it is not possible to take the opinion of those who constitute solution and contract people. for such decisions in light of the war, because it is possible to hold ambassadorial meetings like the one we held after their press conference with Al-Sharati in Darfur, but what is certain is that They avoided it because they knew that the heads of civil administrations were not with them.

Third: The Shura Council, after having communicated with the absolute majority of the members of the Shura, represented by Sharati and the elected notables, and according to its legal composition, decides the following: –

1 – All decisions announced during the press conference of October 14, 2024 are invalid.

2 – We refuse to associate the rejection of the above decisions with the implications of the positions of the members of the tribe or the Shura with regard to Rapid Support or their followers, whoever they may be. Our refusal is linked to the refusal to confiscate the decision of the tribe to a group which does not have the legitimacy of approval, and which works to establish a dictatorship which confiscates our destiny to serve the whims of the tribe.

Not mature.

3- The Shura Council confirms its position on the Janjaweed of rapid support. Namely, their struggle to reclaim our usurped lands and to restore our wasted dignity. There is no room for compromise in this matter, especially from those who licked the tables of rapid support and received gifts from it.

4 – The Shura Council calls on societal entities and official state agencies not to legitimize decisions that confiscated the rights of the tribe through invalid procedures that violate customs, in order to ensure unity and the cohesion of the largest societal entity in Sudan. and cohesion are a necessary necessity to reclaim the nation from the rapid support of the Janjaweed.

Victory comes only from God, the Mighty, the Mighty

Shura Council and Four notables

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