The country of the field and the media pen – the session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a sincere patriotic salute to all the faithful patriots of my country who stood firm like majestic mountains in the face of the arrogance of the global invasion which unleashed a war in Sudan using its tools of brutal and supportive forces. his impudent impotent. political wing.

They thought the war would be a tourism that would be resolved in a few hours, and they prepared their statement in which Ezzat, may God not honor him, seemed to confirm what we always said, that it was they who had fired the shots. the bullet to start war and spread devastation in the country. We believed that by doing so, they were achieving the goals that the masters had set for them from the clutches of evil, the state of Bani Zion in our Arab body was global arrogance. reinforced, but by the order of God, their plot was repulsed and their plan failed thanks to the uprising of the Sudanese people, who formed a strong protective shield in support of our armed forces and our regular apparatus by pumping the blood of the people mobilized in to form a marvelous picture with complete features. The Sudanese popular resistance was this bogeyman who terrorized the masters from the outside before the slaves from the inside.

The battle of the battlefields, in which the people of truth said their last word, so that the rebellion and its supporters were defeated, shamelessly to the sanctum of history. We do not mourn them, following the curses and calls of the people of history. Sudan, of those who were wronged by looting their homes, stealing their property, raping their women and taking their lives. There is therefore no negotiation, but rather dissuasive trials for all those who participated in these violations and practices which were not tolerated. The country's history, even during the colonial era, is unparalleled

For the victory to be complete, a bright picture that pleases the spectators and rejoices the hearts afflicted with sadness following the events of a bloody war that destroyed everything that was green and dry, it was necessary to have support strong in an area that is least important, and in many cases even more important, is that of the media. Perhaps the message from the Director General of the National Security and Intelligence Service was as clear as the sun. The man he wanted to do justice to honest feathers. his message, he therefore explained the importance of their presence in this important pivotal stage that the country is going through. It is a pause at which every pen that writes must pause. Is he walking on the right path to support the battle for. the existence that the Sudanese nation leads, or does his pen project outside the circle by glorifying and exaggerating by blowing balloons Whoever explodes first will certainly be in his face, so regret will be of no use?

Write, you who write with an honest, impartial and professional pen, for the cause of a homeland, expand the narrow space of public interest, do not seek personal gains, crumbs which are ultimately not worth your lack of respect for Now the issue is the homeland, and we are faced with the question of whether there will be a Sudan or not, and we are faced with keeping this people on the mat or displacing them to achieve demographic change desired in a poisoned world. Therefore, contrary to the fact that the pen is a trust and the word is a responsibility, you, the owner of the pen, are either with the striking legions of truth in favor of a victory achieved on the battlefield in refuting the plan. rumors and conflicts that you ignite and bring out to us the electronic rooms supported by the rooms of delirium Janjawidi Qahati or a stranger from the herd In search of personal gain that does not enrich or fatten with hunger , here is one. the tools that achieve their unhealthy goals by spreading their lies and poisons within a patient and steadfast society that defends and supports its armed forces, its regular apparatus and the mujahideen in the battle for the dignity of the nation. So the choice is yours, wherever you are. stand up and remember that history is merciless and pens write it.

The economic issue also needs a break so that these issues (the battlefield, the media and the economy) move forward side by side with popular support until victory is complete for us, God willing. wanna.

Prayers for God to accept the martyrs, heal the injured, free the captives and return the missing to their families safely, God willing.

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