The Crescent Moon of Dr. Muzammil Abu Al-Qasim and the Liver of Truth… (message) – Knoll and Banks – ✍️ Prepared by/ A. Abdel Sattar Abbas Khalil

(Thank you for your generous gift)

You are wonderful Dr Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim

Inspired by this story, we send you a message of thanks, appreciation and gratitude (Kahlalayin)

▫️ It is reported that the “hoopoe” whose boyfriend was accused of lying in the story of Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, and after Bilqis came to Palestine in response to the call, and she converted to Islam with Suleiman or married him – according to some Israeli women – everyone later knew that the hoopoe was truthful in what she had told, and the result was that she survived what you had promised her.

When the Beloved survived, Al-Hahda wanted to give Suleiman the gift of the Shaker. She could find nothing to give him except a hazelnut that she had saved for the coming winter days, so the birds laughed at her.

She rebuked her, saying: Will you give him a grain of hazelnuts, when God has subjugated the jinn to him, and he is the king of the east and the west of the earth, with a thousand women and the best breeds of beasts. Horses have been granted to him, and the most precious treasures of the earth, and armies of humans, jinn and birds have been gathered to him?! But her desire to thank her was stronger, so she chanted eloquently, saying that the gifts were according to the worth of those who gave them:

If a person were given his worth, I would give him the world and everything in it.

We offer (Kahlalab) to Dr. Muzammil Abu Al-Qasim, the writer of Al-Muraikhi, our greetings. The value of what he wrote has shown us how much love he has for this country first and for Al-Hilal second, and we dedicate to you the above…

And we say to him as a deception on the part (of the Prophet): We have no horses to offer as a gift, nor money, so let the speech be joyful if the situation is not happy.

So accept what we say in writing

▫️The author of (Kabd al-Haqiqa), Dr. Muzamil Abu al-Qasim, wrote an article in which the words were filled with joy…

After the writer has combined truth and reality with the power of presentation and word choice

She gave us creativity in a sober article filled with love for Sudan and the hidden crescent of the writer, because the crescent is a beautiful world.

After being defiled

(This browser) Al-Hilal's slogan: I will not be able to go beyond what the doctor's heart says, because the man has fulfilled his duty and fulfilled it.

Just let this (browser) know that Al-Hilal is too honorable for you to wear its logo!!

This is the patriotic club, and its slogan is too honorable to be carried by a murderer, a rapist, a thief, and devoid of values, morals and religion…

▫️ Muzammil wrote an article that revealed his crescent moon to us in an (inner) way, so he showed a desperate defense of Al-Azraq Al-Dafq, so he defended the crescent logo defiled by it (Al-Mallah) more than the Hilalists themselves, and he is the (apparent) Martian who does not like the crescent moon and whose column we used to read (secretly) after we finished reading the Al-Hilal newspapers, and we pay the exchange price while we are in high school. students to read his arguments (and his exposure of the crescent, which is not seen, is beautiful, because he has a specialty in putting our nerves at ease). He is the only Martian writer we read, and we are more angry, and yet we. continue and pay to read him with many Martian writers who are his place. Our admiration and appreciation.

(Ismail Hassan) Enough

(Babkar Silk) In Silk, whatever path he took… move forward

And the elegant writer

(Alam al-Din Hashim) But Muzammil remains the most specialized in (removing the bitterness from) Hilalab, and I think he is the most sought-after writer of revenge among the Hilalists!!!!

Even though creative writer hilali Muhammad Abdel Majid has often healed our grief in his column (even if the journey has been long)

What is zero, doctor?

How beautiful is the ideal sports society when all the writings remain only “controversies” which disappear with the disappearance of the effect, which is defeat or victory….

Hello to the doctor who showed all this love for Al Hilal

And if I am not mistaken, this is the first time that Dr. Muzammil Abu Al-Qasim has shown himself to be honest, defending Al-Hilal and the Al-Hilal logo, despite his very blatant Martianism. united us in a single concern, which is this country, behind an army, a people and a history…

Our only concern now is to overcome this nightmare that has crept into the chest of the Sudanese people.

Then we return to our beautiful sport and our competition

Your article was invaluable.

And don't get carried away

I end my letter of thanks to the beautiful Dr. Al-Hilali Al-Muraikhi Muzammil Abu Al-Qasim with this anecdote that occurred between him and the writer Al-Hilali, the number is Khaled's section and his column is

(Until we meet)

During one of the summit matches and their heat at that time, the day before the match, the doctor wrote in his column readable in the Al-Sada newspaper:

(The Liver of Truth) which we read like the moon, despite the troubles, pains, headaches, fever and nervousness it caused us.

He wrote in bold letters: “Tomorrow of Eid” and because Mars was at that time “awake” and better prepared than the crescent moon, the title he wrote struck us with trembling, fever and fear, so we spent that night waiting for our fate (tomorrow), and the reason for the title of the column was that it sowed terror in us.

So we started thinking about how much we would be defeated and how much Mars would win!!

But Al Hilal, contrary to expectations, gained the upper hand and defeated Al Merreikh.

Here we missed the crescent moon

Khaled wrote a series of consecutive columns in response to Muzamil's article (Tomorrow Eid)

Create a section in a column titled (Tonight is the first day of Eid, and add it to the second day of Eid).

(And the third day of Eid)

(And the fourth day of Eid) until the last day of Eid

We went to libraries early to reserve our copy when the paper press required effort to obtain it.

It was a great response in a great environment, which is the sports community.

A society with so much harmony, solidarity and beauty will not see its slogan desecrated by a militia.


Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim



A lot…

As I wrote

You are an unmistakable mathematical number

Politically, he cannot be matched as an analyst.

No doubt the networks are rushing to host you…

Victory of our armed forces

Beware of the Janjaweed-era Tatars…

May you always live…

Hilali liked what you wrote…

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