The Crier of Desire Calls Me – Whale Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

* Oh my Lord, O Messenger of God, we bear witness that you have left us on the white platform, day and night, except that the world has occupied us, and we have exchanged our religion for our world, and we have practiced deception, fraud, and we have lied, and we have dealt in usury, and we have lost trust, and we have eaten each other like whales. We have burst into disputes, and we have severed family ties, and we have allied ourselves with strangers and foreigners, and among us there is he who prefers his wife over his mother, and she is fed up with it. Our morals and we have become intolerant of one another. We call lying prettiness and diplomacy. We smile with faded yellow smiles and hide behind them malice, hatred and envy. we, my lord, Messenger of God, and until you condemn some of us, you have come to condemn my appearance only for the sake of hateful chauvinism and the serpent has become better than some of us. When it bites you, you do so. do not claim any friendship. In any case, there is a type of your nation who surpasses the serpent in harming others. He is gentle to the touch, but he carries poisons within him which he exhales without caring.*

* Oh, my Lord, O Messenger of God, we are the Sudanese people, the people who claim to love you. The calamity of war has overtaken us, and the land of Sudan is stained with blood and tens of thousands of lives. The killer and the victim do not know what they are fighting for. War has become a reality in which we live, and we witness its destructive effects that are devastating to offspring and crops. Death and murder have become like entertainment. And the crimes of murder are documented despite their ugliness, and we force prisoners to imitate the sound of animals (baa, maa, mai, naw and hoho). Then the prisoner problem is over (how were we treated in the same way). , the production of the tragedy “The People of the Groove and Fire with Fuel” took place, where citizens were buried alive and burials are prohibited and the dead decompose in the open air. The land has become a prey to bloodshed, and loss of human lives. Citizens have begun to wish for death out of respect for the life of humiliation and shame they live in the displacement camps and shelters. Others have lost the will to live, some of whom have died and others. who are waiting. The graves of displacement have embraced them without their relatives and friends saying goodbye*.

* Oh, my Lord, O Messenger of God, we complain to God about our weakness and humiliation compared to the rest of the peoples. We see with our own eyes the collapse of Sudan and we cannot do anything. Schools and universities have been closed and the call to prayer has fallen silent, calling the faithful. Many mosques and churches have been demolished and the Sudanese people have become a people whose condition resembles that of a people. human being. The Stone Age, which lives in the third millennium, after the revelation of the mask and the reality of things remaining as they were, and the war has brought out the worst qualities of the Sudanese people, real estate prices have increased 500 times. , and the merchants have practiced the same greed that burned the markets of Khartoum, Bahri, Omdurman and others, and the brokers and intermediaries have not cared about it yet. They have become an ogre who does not know mercy and pity. The Sudanese people have become like a man who wears only a bra, and the rest of his body is completely naked. He has been recognized for his naked truth, and work and livelihood have become a source of livelihood. Serving the foreigner's program is an honor, a manhood. , and a source of pride for many clients who advertise on It is clear that they will enter the embassies (embassy) for the purpose of employment and intelligence about the homeland and the citizen *.

*Oh, my Lord, O Messenger of God, we have been displaced from our homes, separated from our children and women. Our homes have become ruins, inhabited by owls and colonized by hawks. The seeds of hope have died in the souls of the Sudanese, and their ultimate wish is to return to their homes and leave the displaced camps and shelters after their lives have lost their privacy. How many brides were sad during the war, before, during and after their wedding ceremony? she became displaced or a refugee and could not communicate with her husband. The bodies of our free women yearned for the fragrance of chaf, acacia, snare, mahlab and henna dyes. Marriage plans have been disrupted and the dreams of virgins have perished. the rubble of war, and even what was permitted has become impossible. The life of the Sudanese people today remains a sad melody marching on the coffin of their homeland, Sudan. They repeat: “We, our country, will celebrate, recite Al-Fatihah, and return.” This is our condition, my Lord, O Messenger, a tragedy written on the tablet of history, and yet we have not yet learned the lesson*.

Half a fork

* O my Lord, O Messenger of God, despite the scourges of war in our Sudan, my soul yearns to visit your grave and your city, and the caller calls me longing for you, I wish to shed my tears before you. your grave, but my circumstances prevent it, and the Lord of Glory from the height of the seven heavens knows that war has transformed us from wealth to poverty. You have transformed our security into fear, and I sincerely ask God to grant me a visit to your honorable. and a pure grave.

A quarter of a fork

*Oh my Lord, O Messenger of God, you did not say anything about our trickery, so we realized it, O God, so that we can overcome this ordeal and stop this damn war*.

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