The current situation of the Nile's electricity supply ✍️ Amir Al-Jaali

Nile State was affected, like the Warring States, by overcrowding of the population and increased displacement, which put great pressure on the various services, which were significantly affected, water and electricity being the backbone of life in that particular era. , we will shed light in this space on the current situation of the State in the field of electricity firstly, then we will later address the issue of water, particularly the Nile.
There are five substations: The Shendi substation, which serves the localities of Shendi and Al-Matama, has two transformers (50) kilovolts and (40) kilovolts, and its total production is (90) kilovolts.
As for the Atbara transformer station, Al-Damer serves Atbara, Abu Hamad and the Red Sea State, and has two transformers with a power of (500) kilovolts each.
As for the Al-Shaqla station, which serves the Berber locality south of Abu Hamad, while Al-Ghabash serves the industrial area, Umm Al-Tuyour and West Nile, while the Hassad station serves the Qatari Hassad project and Al-Buhaira. locality, and includes two transformers, each with a power of (100) kilovolts, for a total of (200) kilovolts. From these data, we see that the Shendi station, since it covers the localities of Shendi and Al Matama, is lower than. all stations, despite its coverage of densely populated areas and large areas. As for Hassad, it covers the Hassad project and the locality of Buhaira, and its current capacity is (one hundred) kilovolts after removal of the other transformer, which its capacity is also. (hundred) kilovolts, a ten kilovolt increase from the Shendi station, with its two transformers totaling (90) kilovolts, and after a harvest transformer joins it, the transformer draws (40) kilovolts from it and turns it into harvesting station, so that the total of the two transformers becomes 150 kilovolts in Shendi, while the capacity of Hassad will become (140) kilovolts, and according to the opinion of specialists, it is sufficient to cover the Hassad project and the locality of 'Al-Buhaira, which now suffers from almost total darkness with the start of power entering some towns and islands. We hope that electricity and all services will spread to the villages and towns of the locality of Al-Buhaira, land of civilization, history, and ancient heritage since Antiquity.
Premier Kisra: What pushed me to address the issue of electricity was my feeling of pain from my residents in the locality of Al-Buhaira, who were delayed in the arrival of electricity, even though it is the closest locality to the Merowe Dam and the area most affected by its creation, and its inhabitants have endured a lot of suffering and sacrifice for the good of Sudan, in addition to the opinions that have been raised on the removal of a transformer from the power station that supplies the local area. this content was the result of what we achieved.
One last crumb: any technical question in which politics interferes spoils it, so let's make room for specialized technicians, because we are not more understanding than them in their field, and with indulgence we get what we want without wasting resources due to lack of knowledge. knowledge (do we understand more in all areas than the specialists?!!!)