The dawn calls for our return with certainty – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

It is cohesion, which denies sunlight…

From the beginning, people have urged sin…

This army came out of his womb…

hooting, shouting, clapping and children…

In the mosques, you wish God victory…

His eyes are wide, vigilant and dry…

Disappointment, fear and shame…

A plan that I made and which turned gray…

Dissipated by the twilight of a glorious Thursday morning…

The army is on its way to victory or martyrdom…

And you move forward, wishing to push him into the abyss of solitude…

By separating him from his people, he deepened the division…

By creating a plot to destroy or weaken…

By creating hostility between him and the people, by dismantling it…

In order to structure it from the point of view of a despicable traitor…

Altering the capabilities and wealth of the country, by mortgaging them…

And to break him, to make him captive like a sword…

Then she got tired of the rebellion to cross the border…

She supported the rebellion and placed her hand in his…

Its integration takes several years, but its structuring

The army rushed…

The irony here is that the army is Kaizan's army…

Baghath, the herd and those with the agenda chanted…

Hateful chants, sorry, we don't have an army…

By understanding the reality, the intrigue, the reality of the crisis…

What is happening in 2019 is the creation of a conspiracy…

Overflowing with what smells and gets in our noses…

And when rebellion hurts, we suffer…

And when he stays awake, you stay awake because he stays up late…

She says to hold the army responsible for the killing of civilians…

And remain silent when the rebellion commits atrocities…

An agreement was signed with him with the ink and ink of our blood…

Then you shout no to war and mess around in the dark…

You support her, secretly satisfied with the passage of the rebellion…

The army pushed the line again and withdrew…

Morning prayer present at the Martyrs Mosque…

Midday prayer present at Shambat Mosque…

People followed him every time he passed through the region…

It was filled with depreciation and depreciation…

She said she was interested in negotiating a military solution…

To breathe new life into the spirit of rebellion…

I realized that the flood would not exclude anyone…

She saw with her own eyes the return of the flesh and her mother…

And she saw the wisdom that (her clothes) captured…

She swore not to wear it until the fall of El Fasher…

Between her fall and Umm Qarun's dress, there is an impossibility…

She proceeds to feel her clothes to reveal them…

And you know that the leaves of the trees will not hide their evils…

Fadak is the stronghold of the rebellion, and the collaborators have started…

And the internal traitors will not pass, their time has come…

The earth spits out its slag, its foam has dried up…

And there remains what benefits people on earth…

The army has achieved its goals, so you want to rebel…

Umm Qarun, you won't find her clothes to hide her bad looks…

She presents her private parts naked, while awaiting her fate…

They both left their blankets, leaving only a little…

Departure time, the party is over…

One of the disabilities presented was reported to us by (Salak)…

He said we are a brilliant army, without support…

We are with the people (by God) the height of humility…

“If any good happens to you, it will trouble them, and if any bad happens to you, they will rejoice. And if you are patient and fearful, their machinations will do you no harm.”

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