The dead are alive, and we are dead without a shroud!!! In the gardens of eternity: Abu Bakr Ibrahim Imam Ali Basati ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

It was reported on the authority of Hudhayfah bin Al-Yaman that he met Omar bin Al-Khattab and Omar told him

How are you, O son of Al-Yaman?

Hudhayfah bin Al-Yaman said: I have become, by God, I hate the truth, I love temptation, I bear witness to what I have not seen, I protect what is not created, I pray without ablution and I have on earth what God does not have in heaven.

Omar got angry at what he said and left immediately. He was tempted by something and was determined to harm Hudhayf for saying that.

While he was on the road, he passed by Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, and he saw anger on his face.

Imam Ali said: What made you angry, O Umar??

He said: I met Hudhayfah bin Al-Yaman and asked him: How did you wake up? He said: I started to hate the truth!!

Imam Ali said: He is right, he hates death and it is true.

Omar said: And he said: I love temptation!!!! ,,

He, peace be upon him, said: He is truthful, he loves money and children, and this is his temptation, and God Almighty said.

“Your wealth and your children are a test.”

Omar said: O Ali, he said: I bear witness to what I have not seen..!!!!

Ali said: He spoke the truth. He testified to the oneness of God, death, resurrection, Paradise, Hell and the Way, and he did not see all this.

Umar said: O Ali, and he said: I have memorized something uncreated..!!

Ali said: He is right. It preserves the Book of God Almighty, the Quran, and it is not created.

Omar said: And he says that I pray without ablution!!!

Ali said: He spoke the truth. It is permissible to pray for my cousin, the Messenger of God, without ablution.

Omar said: O Abu Al-Hassan, he said bigger than that!! He said: What is this??

Omar said: I have on earth what God does not have in heaven!!!!

Ali said: He spoke the truth. He has a wife and God is exalted above his wife and children.

Umar said: Ibn al-Khattab would have almost perished if not for Ali bin Abi Talib…

And we too (O Umar) are on the verge of perishing because of separation from those we love. By God, death is a reality. We, by nature and our love for good, wish not to see evil in someone dear to us, but we do. the will of the Lord, and his will in his creation. We only say what pleases God (*Indeed we belong to God and to Him we will return*).

The mourner cried a few days ago, the honorable brother: whom we consider a martyr, God willing:

Abu Bakr Ibrahim Imam Ali Basati… after learning of the fall of Dana in the Shambat Al-Hilla area, around seven in the morning (about three weeks ago), and as was his habit, he went out to see his neighbors, every time an event like this happened, and as soon as he moved a few meters, another shell would hit him, causing his death after one of his relatives caught up with him and found himself patient and seeking reward. He taught him martyrdom. and after that, he gave up the ghost of his Master… leaving behind him a fragrant biography, among his creations, and unmistakable situations from the beginning of his youth.

He is dear to his people, of noble character, of chivalry and chivalry, of a generosity that we cannot follow, and of the initiative that is found in good times and bad, in front of all people and with all the people of (Shambat, and Halfayat al-Muluk) with his family, his neighbors and his acquaintances.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was true when he said: (The best of you is the best of you for his family.)… By God, we we are among the witnesses that:

Abu Bakr Ibrahim sought good for his family, his acquaintances and his neighbors, and we do not praise him to God Almighty. Among his positions, throughout the war period, he traveled by bicycle at risk between Shambat and Halfaya, and the least. he could be exposed, he was captured and accused of being (intelligence affiliated) carrying around materials to give to his family and acquaintances in need… as had been his custom for as long as we had known him. .. and U.S. were saddened by his death and his departure without saying goodbye to him… and I remember here that when he announced to Minister Salem the death of his brother Koulaib, to the horror of his shock, he asked them: Is -are they all dead?!! !

The separation of (Abu Bakr) has left in us a void that no one can fill except him, and a sadness that moves mountains, and tears that have not dried, and we are saddened by your separation, O Abu Bakr..

Sadness has not left a house without entering it since the outbreak of this war. Rather, it is the shadow of death that chooses our choice.

We consider it good for them, but we cannot explain it with our limited human capabilities and little knowledge… and as has been said:

There is no good in good followed by Hell, and there is no evil in evil followed by Paradise.

We ask God Almighty to accept (Abu Bakr) as a martyr in his sight, as well as all those who have left us, and to make the highest paradise their abode and resting place, and not to test us after them nor deprive us of their reward. , and have pity on us and forgive us, if we become what they have become.

Our master Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said:

For everything there is a zakat, the zakat of the heart, sadness…

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