The death of the militia leaders shows its fragility and its faults (Sheria as an example) – Pen and Bullet – ✍️ First Lieutenant / Suhaib Ezzedine

When we call them leaders, we do not mean leadership as we know it with its conditions that must be fulfilled by leaders and their advancement through their personal behavior and then its reflection on the systems, regulations and customs of the institutions that 'they are at the head. This does not mean that they possess the qualities of good leadership. No, by God they can be. Leadership towards work is not at all related to kindness, and leadership is not only related to generous and honorable acts. we believe, and the best proof of this is that there are no words after this, the words of Almighty God concerning Pharaoh (He will bring forth his people on the Day of Resurrection, and He will bring them into the Fire, and miserable be the rose that is carried). When we say that so-and-so is the leader of the militia, by God, it is not so much a glorification as it is a sign because he is before them and their proof of their evil. , theft, pillage and their well-known moral transgressions. If they steal, then he is the chief of thieves, and if they misunderstand, they are the worst of them.

We followed the last battle of Haggana Um Rish, and one of its results was the death of the militia commander (Sheria) and a number of militia commanders and members, after a battle in which the The forces of the Fifth Division were valiant, as everyone is accustomed to being, as victory was associated with them, and as these heroes marched out, the citizens of the Sand Bride prepared their victory celebration to support their great confidence in their army and its members.

The assassination of Sheria highlighted to us the shamelessness of the militia and its disintegration after hearing news of disagreements and discord caused by the ambitions of the militiamen and those who declared themselves heirs of the looted property he left and money washed in blood. poor innocent people. The dead man was one of those whom God afflicted by terrorizing the vault, as he terrorized the villages of North and South Kordofan and plundered them, blocking the road, their accidents and transgressions are not hidden from anyone .

After his assassination, a group of militiamen headed towards his family's house in the locality of Al-Dabaibat, south of Al-Obeid, and attacked some members of his family, including his wife, according to the statement. which has been reported regarding large sums of money looted from his property and family. All this proves to us the lack of trust between its members and that there is no law that regulates its work or preserves the rights of those who are part of it. If this was their treatment of senior leaders, then. what about his mercenaries and collaborators?

We have witnessed dozens of incidents and clashes in and outside Khartoum State between their groups for very petty reasons, most of which were due to sharing of looted property or competition in an interest accurate. The last of these incidents was the murder of the youngest. brother of the traitor Kikel in the State of Gezira for the same reasons linked to material interests and looted objects. All this has proven to us the weakness of the militia and the lack of cohesion of its system and that everything is fine. the personal whims and ambitions of its leaders, and at any time a passing event or small incident can cause a divide that is difficult to bridge. Among the consequences of the death of this thief is also the dissolution of a large number of his group and. his departure from the battlefield in the capital, Khartoum, is what proved to us the weakness of the ruling circles and that they are only fragments conglomerated with each other, we think that they are all together, and that their hearts are different, and. their loyalty, from the first to the last, goes to the tribal component, and this is one of the first reasons which will hasten their annihilation, because their presence in the combat zone is linked to the presence of this or that leader and of such and such. such. -such mayor, and this is what distinguishes the Sudanese army from them and gives it preference over them because it is a regular national force from the different ethnicities and races of these people, it is governed by controls and laws, and does not worry about that. The armed forces are not harmed by those who stay or leave, and are not affected by the presence or absence of an individual. This is one of the many reasons for its cohesion thus far. its progress with steady steps towards a clear victory, with the permission of the One and Only.

May God have mercy on the martyrs… heal the wounded… restore the missing

Pride, nobility and invincibility for our valiant armed forces

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