The decision of the people.. or the interests of the leaders ✍️ Dr Amir Al-Katibi

What is happening in our world today is that there is no People's Shura Council, but rather the interest of government and governance. This was evident at the Human Rights Conference and the pivotal session that brought together donor countries that support the word of truth and that support the word of truth. we say thank you to them, on behalf of your peoples who are proud of your leadership, and it is a debt to us, you have the same thing that you have done, and the state of Russia is known for its positions towards Sudan, and this. is also neighboring Eritrea. Thank you, Afwerki. Our dear friend, God, we will not forget your position and you have shaken the heads of the oppressed today. Oh, after removing your shield, O enemies of God. land, you wanted to erase the Sudanese people from the earth. You and the Arabs of your diaspora tried to lick your elbow, oh, after these clear numbers and the convictions of the countries with these numbers escaped you. Truly, human rights are out of the question. And your predicament: search the end of the rope if you had not heard my repentance (Knot Umm Zard).

The government reveals in figures to the Human Rights Council the details, crimes and violations of Sudan's plea: withdrawing (250) hospitals from service. Looting and destroying (26) pharmaceutical factories. As well as (20) banks. Aggression against (18) diplomatic missions. Occupying and destroying (450) thousand civilian objects. In addition to (1002) mosques. As well as (51) churches. Recruiting and killing (4850) people. (19,481) detainees were released from prisons, some of whom were terrorists. Number (966) victims of rape. The total number of people killed in these violations amounts to 27,594 people. The number of injured is 42,661. The question arises for the Arabs of the diaspora, their mercenaries from inside and outside and their political wing. Was all this systematic mass destruction a search for democracy? And fight the state (56) and the Kizan???. What was strange was that some of the leaders were eclipsed inside the conference hall. When the representative of Sudan protested. The organizers were surprised that they were members of a Western organization concerned with human rights (Taswar). Finally, on behalf of the steadfast people, we salute all peace-loving countries. And especially those who supported the position

Sudan at this conference. Adala supported its cause.

Say: The truth has come and falsehood has gone. Indeed, falsehood has gone.

But I will remind you of three words, and do not forget them: freedom, peace and justice.

Dr. Amir Al-Ktiabi

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