The delusional – The spine of a whale – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The most important are those who think that the current or future US administration is seeking the interest of the Sudanese people and is trying to end the war in Sudan. The US administration is seeking its interests in Sudan and its interests are important. program designed by the institutions that make decisions in America. Therefore, it does not matter who leads America, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat president, because he cannot change a plan in an originally designed program, known as foreign policy. the United States of America, and America's interest is that the situation in Sudan continues as it is now until 2026, after which they will work out a Naivasha-type agreement for a period of ten years that will end in 2036 by dividing Sudan and the two Sudans have become a number of mini-states and what is happening now is just the beginning of the end of this plan*.

*The most important thing is those who think that the American administration recognized Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan as Chairman of the Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and President of the Republic of Sudan. does not even recognize the existence of a government in Sudan, just as it recognizes that Sudan is a completely collapsed state in which there is no government and is not led by a president at all, and it is talking about the two parties to the conflict in Sudan, this definition aims to send soft messages by mail to the parties that America knows well and knows how effective it is to use flexible terms that have more meaning, more than one content and more than one piece of evidence*.

*Anyone who thinks that the American administration is trying to provide humanitarian aid to the war-affected segments of the Sudanese people is deluding themselves, just as much as it is trying to achieve its hidden goals, as it did in the 80s of the last century when it deluded the Sudanese people into what was called the lifeline, because operations to support the rebels with weapons were carried out through this artery until America was able to separate Sudan from the South to become an independent state. The American administration was not content with separating the South as such. just as it was working hard to divide what was left of Sudan into a number of mini-states according to an American plan and vision that would be implemented by Sudanese hands, using shameless tricks.

*Anyone who thinks that the US administration is trying to achieve a ceasefire in Sudan is deluded, because it is America that is putting its finger on the trigger and lighting the fuse of the war in Sudan. It can be said that it is in America's interest that this is the case. The number of victims of the war in Sudan exceeds five million and the number of displaced Sudanese and refugees exceeds twenty million people, so do not listen to Blinken's nonsense, he is only one of the tools for implementing American plans in Sudan and America. will not rest until it implements its programs intended for Sudan, even if there is half an hour left before the Day of Resurrection, or if a catastrophe befalls America that will distract it from itself. For everything else, America will be responsible for humans. and the jinn in Sudan until his plan was implemented to divide Sudan and the Sudanese in the modern era from within*.

Half a fork

*The US administration is not seriously interested in Sudanese affairs unless its interests are directly harmed. The biggest threat to America today is that Sudan signs a strategic agreement with Russia and China, and then America will feel its anchor there. Sudan.*

A quarter of a fork

*Don't be too satisfied with the Jeddah pulpit or the Geneva pulpit as long as Cowboy treats the Sudanese like a herd*.

(email protected)

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