The Demon of War – On Low Heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕Since the outbreak of the Sudanese revolution that toppled the Al-Bashir regime, the Sudanese scene has witnessed radical transformations that have revealed new faces of leadership and power.

⭕ These sudden transformations have brought to light forces and personalities that have appeared on the scene without prior leadership experience or knowledge of the secrets and corridors of administration and governance, leading to a state of chaos and unrest at various levels.

⭕The story began with the outbreak of the Sudanese Revolution, a broad popular movement that succeeded in overthrowing the long-standing regime of Omar al-Bashir. This success marked a pivotal historical moment, promising to build a better future for Sudan. There were great hopes that these changes would lead to the establishment of a new era of freedom and justice.

The scene quickly revealed the emergence of inexperienced political entities and personalities who rose to leadership positions and infiltrated areas of influence without the cognitive tools or expertise needed to lead a country of Sudan's size and complexity.

⭕ These new leaders, without prior preparation, found themselves tasked with determining the fate of a country facing numerous economic, social and political challenges.

⭕The way these personalities infiltrated power, without a clear vision or solid plan, created an administrative vacuum and a real leadership crisis.

⭕The lack of experience and vision has pushed these leaders to make haphazard decisions and wrong positions that cast a shadow over Sudan, which has contributed to aggravating the crises instead of resolving them. The main motivation behind their behavior is the lack of preparation and understanding of the demands and complexities of governance.

⭕ What began as a revolution full of dreams and hopes quickly turned into utter disappointment as promises crumbled and opportunities dissipated.

⭕Sudan, rich in potential and resources, has become hostage to an unprecedented administrative and political failure, which has pushed the country to the brink.

The administrative and political failure that characterized the transitional period after the revolution not only threatens Sudan's internal stability, but also jeopardizes its future. In the face of continued chaos and the absence of a constructive vision, there is concern about how to overcome these obstacles and achieve prosperity for the Sudanese people in the years to come.

⭕ A conflict is underway, the scale of which many are struggling to comprehend and its profound impact on the future of the country.

⭕ The Rapid Support Forces, which are at the center of this conflict, are a major player on the Sudanese scene. Since their emergence, these forces have generated widespread controversy due to their objectives and repeated interventions in the country's affairs. Initially a local phenomenon, it quickly transformed into an actor with complex external relations, serving multiple international agendas, which further complicates the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

⭕ The Rapid Support Forces, initially established within the Sudanese Armed Forces, quickly gained operational independence and became an influential force within the Sudanese state.

⭕ Its goals were stated, such as combating the rebellion and restoring security, but time has revealed broader ambitions, including strengthening its political and economic influence inside and outside Sudan.

⭕ The Rapid Support Forces play a notable role in Sudanese life, as they have intervened on several occasions, whether in armed conflicts or in politics, which has raised international and local concerns about their role and impact on Sudan's stability.

⭕ The Rapid Support Forces maintain complex relationships with external parties, including countries and organizations with interests in Sudan. These relationships allow them to obtain logistical and tactical support and, in return, the forces work to implement the programs of these parties in Sudan, which negatively affects the sovereignty and stability of the country.

⭕ Events have proven that the role of the Rapid Support Forces is not limited to the internal scene, but extends to the implementation of external agendas.

Amid this conflict, local and international initiatives are emerging to end the violence and rebuild the Sudanese state.

⭕ The surprise was a remedy for the rapid rebellion of the supporting militias against the Sudanese army under the pretext of democracy and lies of the remnants and leaders, so that the balance was unbalanced.

The road will be long and fraught with pitfalls, but hopes rest on the resumption of control and stability.

Restoring Sudan's dignity requires collective efforts and sacrifices from all parties concerned.

⭕The rebel militias must be destroyed and the Sudanese state must be rebuilt without the Janjaweed and the rebel militias.

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