The departure of a notable personality of the Arabic language: The memory of the scholar Abdullah Al-Tayeb – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Today marks the anniversary of the death of a figure of Arabic thought and literature, Professor Dr. Abdullah Al-Tayeb, who died today, June 19, 2003 AD, leaving behind an immense scientific and cultural which enriched the Arab library. and inspired generations.

Abdullah Al-Tayeb was born in the village of Al-Tamirab in Sudan in 1921 AD and grew up in an environment rich in culture and knowledge. He received a solid education which led him to obtain a doctorate from the University of London in 1950. AD Al-Tayeb devoted himself to teaching in various Arab universities and to the dissemination of science and knowledge . He was dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Khartoum, director of the University of Juba and founded Bayero College in Kano. Nigeria.

Ataa Abdullah Al-Tayeb did not limit himself only to the academic side, but rather emerged as a creative writer and poet, enriching the Arab library with numerous poetic, prose and intellectual works, including the most famous, in the field of poetry, are the collections “Echoes of the Nile” (1957 AD) and “The Victorious Brigade” (1968 AD). “The New Zend Has Fallen” (1976 AD), “Aghani Al-Aseel” (1976 AD), “Four Tears”. for the rehabilitation of Sadat” (1978 AD)

In the field of prose, “Samir the Student”, “From the Bag of Memories”, “From the Train Window”, “The Sudanese Enigmas”, “The Guide to Understanding Arabic Poetry and Its Production” (five volumes ), “With Abu al-Tayeb”, “Nature according to al-Mutanabbi”, “Words from Fez”, “Al-Hammasa Minor” and many others.

In the field of thought, “Souad: a piece of poetry” by Professor Al-Hadi Adam, “Ballet of the poet and diplomatic writer: Muhammad Othman Yassin”, “On the road”: the collection of the poet Abdul Nabi Abdul Qadir Mersal , “Arab history from an Islamic point of view”: by writer Mustafa Awadallah Good news

In recognition of his great contributions to language, literature and thought, Abdullah Al-Tayeb has received numerous awards and honors, including the King Faisal International Prize for Arabic Literature in 2000 and the Martyr Al-Zubair Muhammad Saleh Prize for creativity and scientific excellence.

Abdullah Al-Tayeb was distinguished by his superior ability to express himself in an eloquent and powerful Arabic language, rich in meaning and rhetorical imagery, and he harnessed this talent to serve the causes of his Arab and Islamic nation.

Abdullah Al-Tayeb passed away, leaving behind a great void in the world of thought and literature, but his legacy will live on and inspire future generations.

The memory of Abdullah Al-Tayeb is an opportunity to reflect on the journey of this remarkable scientist and an invitation to imitate him in his tireless effort to spread science, knowledge and creativity in various fields. It is also an opportunity to reread his literary and intellectual creations, and to benefit from the treasures of knowledge he left us.

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