The departure of Sudanese creators to Cairo: a huge loss that requires a pause for reflection – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Cairo, the capital of culture and civilization, is experiencing the rapid departure of many Sudanese creators, intellectuals and leaders. This mass departure, which coincided with the bloody events in Sudan, raises profound questions about the reasons for this immense loss and the possible repercussions at the individual and collective levels.

One of the reasons for this early departure is the belief in the will and destiny of God and the law of life and death. There is no doubt that the ongoing war in Sudan is the most important factor in this phenomenon. Fleeing the ravages of fighting, changing the living environment, and psychological pressures resulting from fear and loss are all factors that contribute to the deterioration of health, especially among the elderly and those with chronic diseases. and exposure of the body to different climatic and geographical conditions put additional pressure on the body. This weakens the immune system, making it more vulnerable to diseases. Refugees and immigrants in general suffer from severe psychological pressure, which is exacerbated in times of crisis and wars. Feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as the difficulty of adapting to a new environment, are all factors that negatively affect mental and physical health. Many of the deceased suffered from chronic illnesses before the war, and recent events have contributed to the worsening of their health and accelerated the rate of its deterioration.

The resulting repercussions represent an intellectual and cultural loss. The departure of these creators and intellectuals represents a huge loss for Sudan, Egypt and the entire Arab world. They were transmitters of ideas and knowledge and contributed to enriching cultural and intellectual dialogue. The absence of these leaders and intellectuals leaves a great void in Sudanese society and negatively affects the path of development and change. the population, as hosting a large number of Sudanese puts additional pressure on resources and infrastructure, and requires… Joint efforts to provide them with the necessary health and social care.

The international community and countries hosting Sudanese refugees must provide them with the necessary support, provide them with health and psychological care, facilitate their integration into new societies, and end the war in Sudan through military victory or negotiations to find a political solution to the crisis, which is the only way to end the suffering and allow the displaced and refugees to return home. We must all appreciate the role of intellectuals and creators in building societies, and support and encourage them to continue their donations.

In conclusion, the departure of the Sudanese creators to Cairo is a wake-up call that calls us to pause and reflect on the value of life and the importance of maintaining peace and stability. We must all work towards building a more just and humane world, respectful of human rights and human dignity.

Questions to ponder:

What lessons can we learn from this crisis?

How can the international community help resolve the Sudanese crisis?

What responsibility do we have towards refugees and migrants?

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