The dilemma of political solutions… the army holds the winning cards…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

A careful reading of the current developments shows that the perpetrators of the dirty conspiracy to colonize and devastate Sudan have “asceticized” the thug militia and reached a state of “despair” as to what they hoped. the spending on the plot ended in “resounding disappointment” and the pockets of the agents, the militia and the arms company swallowed up their payments. The billion disappeared (in vain), and the Sudanese army stayed in time, showing them the goal. stars every day at (noon)…And foreign financiers may be forced to spend billions more, if they continue their (follies) and their dependence on massacred militias and their livelihoods (a group of dwarves). come to the conviction that it is better for them to continue (crush) what remains of the militia and its mercenaries and get rid of them with the (exciting) military machine of the army, so they close the trading posts to them. drain in the nose, where there is no hope for the criminal bastards..!!*

*The military has rightly won the war card, become master of (the stage and platform), and has won the lion's share of the (national solution) cards for current dilemmas, including understood (policies) and with the full satisfaction of the people who have further understood that their military credit represented in the army is (the most important guarantor) in the process of formulation and implementation of the totality or most of the requirements of national solutions, and this (overwhelming) popular conviction is reinforced by the role of the army. the military in saving the nation from the chaos and stagnation of periods of democracy and its role in promoting stability and development, then the (extravagant) national roles it plays in preserving national sovereignty and resolving (civil wars) in favor of the will of the people, and repelling foreign conspiracies emanating from colonial circles… Advancing political solutions in partnership with honest national forces freed from work is another winning card in the hands of the army, especially after the successive “fires” which struck the “dwarfs” and transformed them into simple “clumsy trumpets”) in the hands of foreign powers, who engage them for their own ends while they are in their astray (blind and dumb) and have no value or echo. have been “caught” in their nails and swallowed up by failure, so there are only their ghosts in the media as they meet and disperse in misery and unhappiness and a few honorable guarantees from the guarantor.. !!

*Thus, all these winning cards on the side of the army qualify it to take (the initiative) in the paths of national solutions, as the most important (influential and current personality) who received the honor of historical sacrifices, including in the Battle of Karama, in which the world received (admiration), and in which the urban war plan was aborted and a militia was introduced into it The Bastards (the defeat of Hanbal), and with it he brings down the myth of (the). the army is for the barracks), which contained within it a conspiracy to annihilate our old army… but far from it… it remains for the army to advance (strongly) and without any hesitation towards the direction , sponsorship and control of all avenues of national political solutions to ensure that Sudan achieves security and stability. And (folding) the story of chaos, fluidity and negligence in state administration that almost destroyed the nation and wiped it off the world map… So what we are left with is no other choice but (firmness and control) and priority to national interests over all other interests… Have we achieved this, O God, bear witness..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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