The Director General of State Religious Affairs boasts about the experience of the Gharas summer camp for the Ansar al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group, and the group's deputy secretary general in the country expresses pride in the Khalid bin al-Walid camp in Damar.

Sheikh Mr. Muhammad Othman Al-Imam, Director General of Religious Affairs, Guidance and Guidance, representing the state government, admired the experience of the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in establishing summer camps in Gharas for young students to memorize the Holy Quran and its sciences. This happened while I was addressing him at the Khaled bin Al-Walid Mosque in Block 37 in Al-Damir, the celebration held in honor of the conclusion of the summer camp. presence and participation of Dr. Ali Abu Al-Fath, Deputy Secretary General of the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in the country, Dr. Sheikh Al-Khatm, the group's legal advisor, and a number of leaders of the group in the country, the state and Al-Damer, Professor Othman Muhammad Al-Imam indicated that these camps are considered a preparation of strength, which is not limited to weapons, but also adherence to the divine approach, correct doctrine and memorization of the Holy Quran and its sciences, jurisprudence and other useful sciences added that this camp is an extension of the previous group camps that we witnessed in the village of Rafiqa for orphans in Al-Damir and in the Al-Arifi Mosque in Atbara. , and other sites of the state, and stressed the importance of these programs, especially in light of the conditions our country is going through and the negative aspects we see on the street, which requires preparing a generation of just and righteous people who adhere to the banner of Islam to face the cultural invasion, the ideas of the West and the culture of decadence and nudity that the enemies of Islam and the enemies of the nation seek.

Dr. Ali Abu Al-Fath, Deputy Secretary-General of Ansar Al-Sunnah group in the country, expressed his great joy at the success of this camp. He said: “We are proud of Ansar Al-Sunnah Al-Muhammadiyah group for providing such examples to these boys in times of adversity and tribulations.” He added that these camps are now held in many states and cities across the country, such as Al-Obeid, Dilling and Al-Shamalia and other areas. , but he highlighted the distinction of the Khalid bin Al-Walid Mosque camp in terms of the practical application it brought in the field of jurisprudence and learning writing, reading and other sciences, praising the leadership of the camp led by Sheikh Muhammad Abdel-Ati, the director of the camp, and the distinguished sheikhs who assisted him, also thanked the parents of the students for sending their children to the camp, as well as the enthusiasm of the students, their regularity during all the days of the camp, and their eagerness to receive. Dr. Ali Abu Al-Fath pointed out that the group, unlike the camps, has important programs, including camps for memorizing the Holy Quran and its sciences, and advocacy weeks, in addition to social work programs. major projects. He highlighted the One Body project, which the group is implementing to stand with those who were injured as a result of the floods in the locality of Abu Hamad, and added that the group has stood with the Sudanese people at all times, especially during the days of distress, adversity and calamities. Sheikh Abu Al-Fath denounced the dangerous practices of the rebel militias, mercenaries and their supporters in the country and abroad, as well as their practices of killing innocent people, raping and destroying public and private property, occupying homes, seizing citizens' property and destroying state institutions, among other crimes that the world has never witnessed before and which are incompatible with morality, calling for the need to hasten to return to God Almighty and adhere to Him. to the correct Islamic approach and correct doctrine, free from polytheism, heresies and misguidance, and resorting to the Almighty God and praying to Him to eliminate this affliction from our country, he stressed the need for sincerity in work and diligence for the supreme interest of the nation and the rejection of division, diaspora and disagreement, and that each of us should strive at our workplace to excel in our work and perform it in the most complete and comprehensive manner so that we can advance our homeland and pass this stage, stressing the need to continue these camps and programs in order to raise the youth and work to train the missionary generation that will lead the nation. I pray to the Lord that God grants our armed forces a powerful and united victory over all. enemies and agents at home and abroad, and to protect our country from the machinations of enemies and agents at home and abroad and from all evil, affliction, abomination, harm and prejudice.

Sheikh Muhammad Abdel-Ati, the director of the camp, reviewed in detail the programs included in the camp, which has more than a hundred students, as well as the knowledge they received from the sheikhs and the programs that accompany them. He praised the interaction of the students with. He also congratulated the parents of the students who sent these young people to the camp, after feeling the sincerity of the group and its concern for these children. He stressed that the camp is part of the programs of the General Secretariat and Higher Education of the group. He also congratulated the sheikhs who gave most of their knowledge and experience to the students and did not spare them. in the establishment and success of the camp. He also thanked all the parties who honored the closing ceremony of the camp, headed by Professor Muhammad Othman Al-Imam, Director General of Guidance and Da'wah of the State, and the group. country's leaders led by Dr. Ali Abu Al-Fath, and the group's secretariat in the locality of Al-Damer.

Also speaking at the celebration was the parents' representative and the students' representative, who explained the extent of the benefits they gained from the camp.

During the celebration, examples of what the students received in the camp were presented, as well as a documentary film that fully documents all the activities of the camp from its inception to the closing ceremony.

During the celebration, the sheikhs who participated in the camp were honored, as well as the students who excelled in the camp and achieved success and first place, and certificates were distributed to all the students who participated.

The celebration and its segments found complete satisfaction and great resonance in the hearts of the participants and parents, and reassurance about the future of these young men who learned from the Holy Quran and its sciences in the seventh camp of Gharas, if God Almighty. A large number of participants called for the experience of the camps to be generalized to the rest of the state in order to guarantee the maximum benefits and to welcome all students in order to preserve their future for the sake of the Quranic generation that adheres to the Noble Book of God and the Sunnah of the Beloved Chosen One, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, and to fight against the cultural and intellectual invasion and the errant and destructive ideas that are hostile to Islam and the approach to the Holy Quran and the purified Sunnah. and we are given over to desires and misguidance. We ask God to protect our country and our youth and guide them to the straight path.

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