The director of an administrative unit in Da'shana meets the director of the Zakat office in the town of Umm Rawaba, and the director of the Zakat office starts his work from the town of Da'shana.

The Director of an Administrative Unit and Daashana of Umm Rawaba Locality, Mr. Hamad Badawi Mualla, Acting Executive Director of Umm Rawaba Locality, met in his office with Mr. Muhammad Babiker, Director of the Zakat Office of the locality.

Welcome, the director of an administrative unit, and Mr. Hamad Badawi, invited us to the home of the director of the Zakat office, Umm Rawaba locality, and the delegation accompanying him.

He confirmed that the city of Daashana and its surroundings enjoy security and stability thanks to the efforts of the martyr al-Sayyad movement and the coordination of regular forces and personnel mobilized within the administration.

He praised the support of the Zakat office in the local administrative district and Da'ashana in purchasing an electric door with all its accessories, maintaining the ambulance and supporting the rural hospital in Da'ashana.

Hamad explained the conditions of the citizens of the region that require urgent intervention from the office due to the war conditions, and the city of Da'shana received a large number of arrivals with families hosted in the city.

Dr. Muhammad Babiker, Director of the Zakat Office in Umm Rawaba locality, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the director of the unit and Daashana by allocating offices to the office so that it can carry out its administrative tasks.

Muhammad Babiker stressed the need to continue supporting the national and local zakat secretariats for all segments of society in Dashana city who need in-kind support.

He praised the efforts of the local government to normalize civil life in the city of Dashana and provide necessary services and support to citizens.

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