The Economic Mafia (1-2) – Chapter Speech – ✍️ Othman Al-Baloula

Start of chapter:**

▪️The decline of the Sudanese pound against foreign currencies is considered one of the complex economic problems facing Sudan. This decline can be seen as a result of deficiencies in economic policies, which blame the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank for enacting the necessary laws and legislation to combat inflation and foreign currency speculation on the parallel markets of the banking system. Decisive measures are needed to combat the economic chaos of the mafia speculating in foreign currencies, for example by arresting them, confiscating their money and seizing their bank balances, in order to support economic stability and build confidence.

▪️ The current circumstances that the country is going through force the State to reduce money printing to ensure control of liquidity entering the market, in light of a brutal economic war waged by the axes of evil. This requires controlling public spending and encouraging local production to support productive sectors, reduce dependence on imports and promote exports to reduce accelerating inflation rates.

**Separation depth:**

To correct and revive the value of the Sudanese pound against other currencies, we must support, with collective responsibility, the regulatory authorities of state agencies, represented by economic security, to strengthen control over the currency markets and prevent illegal speculation. It is also necessary to strengthen cash reserves and increase foreign currencies to support the local currency, seek support from international financial institutions and discuss the possibility of economic cooperation with friendly countries. These policies are considered necessary to achieve economic stability, reduce the effects of inflation and prevent the collapse of the local currency by activating the necessary measures to crush the dens of the economic mafia speculating with the dollar in the country.

**Last chapter:**

To overcome this economic crisis, Sudan needs comprehensive reforms, strengthening transparency, fighting corruption and achieving political and security stability. Furthermore, improving local production and increasing exports can help improve the economic situation and strengthen the value of the Sudanese pound against the dollar. Policies to reduce the inflation rate must be implemented to increase the purchasing power of the Sudanese Pound, which will lead to an increase in its value against other currencies.

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