The Emirates are sinking… and a straw does not save the drowning – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*It would be a huge scandal if a rental agreement was presented stating that its owner, may God have mercy on him, is one of the well-known “leftovers”.

*Until the UAE mission voluntarily left Port Sudan a few weeks ago, it enjoyed exceptional protection from the Sudanese government*

*The empty ambassador's house was (officially) a military barracks for the militia and a command and control center*

*International law gives the Sudanese army the right to strike and attack the militia wherever they are, even if it is the ambassador's house*

*The UAE seeks flimsy excuses to justify its continued aggression against Sudan and its militia participation in all the crimes and violations it has committed*

*The ambassador's house, which is (officially) empty of residents, does not apply the rules for protecting civilian objects or preventing their damage in times of war, as stated in the Second Additional Protocol*

*So far, the incident of the attack on the ambassador's house remains to be confirmed, and it is likely that it was a fabrication or happened under the leadership of the Emirates *

The United Arab Emirates said its ambassador's house in Khartoum was attacked by a plane belonging to the Sudanese army, according to a Foreign Ministry statement, and said the attack resulted in serious damage to the building , calling on the army to take full responsibility for this cowardly act. The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it would submit a note of protest to the League of Arab States, the African Union and the United Nations, against this attack by the Sudanese armed forces. which constitutes a flagrant violation of the fundamental principle of the inviolability of diplomatic buildings,

The Emirati ambassador's house is located in the Al-Raqi neighborhood, an area that the militia has controlled since the early weeks of the war, and the house was under its guard, as were the embassy and the Gulf Bank. a property rented to the deceased, the late Jamal Zamqan, and it was supposed to be empty of any residents after the departure of the ambassador. The embassy was officially moved to Port Sudan, but the truth is that the ambassador's house was a military barracks for the militia and. a command and control center. What is striking and raises questions is whether this attack actually happened and who informed the UAE of this attack on the empty property, if so. Are there any foreigners other than the militia occupying the property? Did the militia inform the UAE? Or does the UAE still have agents and eyes in Khartoum? In any case, all reports confirmed that the (former) ambassador's house housed a large number of militiamen and possibly Emirati nationals, and that easily recognizable militia vehicles were parked in front of it.

Until the UAE mission voluntarily left Port Sudan a few weeks ago, it enjoyed exceptional protection from the Sudanese government, and if the government wanted to attack or harm it, it would would have done it in different ways. It is clear that the United Arab Emirates is looking for fragile people. an apology to justify its continued aggression against Sudan and its participation alongside the militia in all the crimes and violations it has committed, as well as its continued supply of weapons and money to the militia and the recruitment of mercenaries . What was ridiculous was the UAE Red Crescent's statement justifying the aggression. the treatment of wounded militias in Umm Jars, Chad, on the basis of humanitarian law. This is misleading and false speech. This hospital was built specifically to treat militia wounded who are not treated casually, as evidenced by the transfer of the seriously injured to the Emirates.

After the New York Times and Washington Post report, the Emirates realize that they are in the crosshairs and that all their deeds and crimes will be exposed to the public, and such childish acts will not help them. They know that the house of the former ambassador, which is empty of residents, does not apply the rules of protection or not of civilian property against damage caused during the war, as stated in the Second Additional Protocol, and the principles basic elements of the Protocol include the distinction (between military objectives and civilian objects). , proportionality (adaptation of the means used to the objectives) and the prohibition of indiscriminate attacks, intimidation of civilians, the taking of hostages and human shields, especially since the United Arab Emirates have not announced in their declaration the deaths or injuries of civilians, and they cannot announce the “martyrdom” of members of its forces during incidents occurring in the State, and the Additional Protocol emphasized that the rule contained in the Article 52 (2) of the First Additional Protocol, which requires that “attacks against military objectives be limited to those only) prohibit direct attacks against civilian objects and do not address the question of accidental damage resulting therefrom. The purpose of this rule is to confirm that attacks affecting civilian objects are not considered illegal as long as these attacks are directed against military objectives, and subsequent attacks. accidental damage to civilian property caused by non-excessive damage,

According to the statement, the UAE intends to submit a note of protest to the League of Arab States, the African Union and the United Nations, and I would like them to do so and unleash on them “l “energy from hell”, because they cannot claim ownership of the property, and it would also be a devastating scandal if he produced a lease contract indicating that its owner, may God have mercy on him, came from the ancient well known,

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of the unannounced discussions in all these forums regarding its intervention in Sudan, and that these international organizations have been informed of documents evidencing this intervention and the participation of the UAE to aggression against Sudan, as well as Sudan's complaint against the United Arab Emirates to the Security Council.

So far, the attack on the ambassador's house remains unproven and is probably a fabrication, especially given the availability of information denying the flight of military aircraft in this area, and it is likely that the alleged attack was carried out by armed men on the ground. However, the UAE knows that international law gives the Sudanese army the right to strike and attack the militia wherever it is, even if it is the ambassador's house, and that the militia is present there. considered reason enough to target him. The Emirates is sinking… and a straw can't save a drowning person.

September 30, 2024 AD

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