The end of betrayal and the joy of Eid – the session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a strong national salute to the strength of the men who stood firm and fought fiercely to uphold and defend the religion of land and honor. They gave away the most precious thing they had, the dear and pure souls they didn't want. this world to harm them in their religion and their land, especially from these bastards who rebel against the brutal support and their political aid, the puppet tools that move them with the strings of the forces of global arrogance of a State The claw of evil. and an international grouping has no other goal than to destroy Sudan and plunder its resources and wealth, then leave the rest of its body in the form of divided and powerless states that they can manipulate whenever they want. wish, but we tell them: “No way, we are not birds with broken wings, and we will not be humiliated or disparaged.

Eid returned with the joy of having completely broken the thorn of brutal support and killing of all its highly influential leaders among its forces who loved bloodshed, until it was applied to them the same way that he is condemned and condemned, and that the punishment was of the action type. As for the others, they are now in a state of extreme fear and terror because of what happened to those who came before them and await the same inevitable fate. The way to him is how they were deceived. and deceived, so they exploded like balloons (the Sudanese army doesn't have juggling toys, but)

Eid has come again, and shameless agents wander and are humiliated, their faces exhausted for a while, searching and hoping like someone panting after the mirage of a desert valley which he mistakes for water, thinking that his lifeline is in the international world. community, which has no security and plays for its interests, even if it allies with Satan to achieve them.

All of them, after all the resulting violations and practices, constitute the greatest atrocities committed against humanity so far. They believe that they can return to the Sudanese scene on the orders of their masters through the illusions of the negotiations that exist. we approach it from time to time, but we have to wait a long time, because the negotiation will take place when the camel enters the poison. The tailor.

Eid returned with joys, first and foremost the cohesion of Sudan's home front. The people and the army are ready to face any brutal aggression, regardless of the quantity of equipment, people or weapons. like the high morale that reached the sky after the battles of steadfastness that took place in all battle axes. As for the high level of awareness and understanding of events, the influx of rumors and false news has greatly contributed to cohesion. of the Sudanese street. Indeed, there has been a major change in media awareness, which has given more space to correct analysis every day, and its dissemination is like an effective medicine to refute misleading media.

Eid has come again, and news of battles of failure and disappointment dominates the fast, unapologetic (unhappy and disappointed) support camps. On the other hand, from victory to victory, and tomorrow the joys will be complete with the greatest victory that the people of. Sudan is waiting, after great sacrifices and the most precious possessions have been made for its people, organized and mobilized, without expecting any reward in return, no thanks, but for our homeland to return safe and sound to all. . this illness and this epidemic which afflicted him, God willing.

The battle for dignity is the battle of the nation in which the Sudanese people faced all the tyranny, arrogance and unprecedented global violations to break and humiliate them, but we tell them that you have fallen into the mountain firmness, which cannot be shaken. by the strongest winds. So whoever trusts in God, He is sufficient for him, and whoever prays to his Lord is sincere towards him. His victory comes from us, and from You comes the answer, O Lord of the worlds.

O God, grant victory to our army, our regular forces and the Mujahideen, accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, free the captives and return the missing to their families, O God, our Lord, Lord of the worlds.

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