The end of ideological theory and crisis brokers ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamed
If I were to be classified as an ideology, as some think, I would say: I believe in the end of ideological theory which has lost its historical condition in its country of origin and in the birthplace of its theorists. of this ideological theory, as well as the fall of communism in Mother Russia and Eastern Europe and the growth of Islamic countries in the Bosnia-Herzegovina wars and the Bulgarian mechanism… But despite my complete certainty of the end of this theory. ideological theory, I have, on the other hand, the firm conviction that the activation of ideological theory as a method for certain governments in the Arab world, particularly in Africa and Sudan, as a model, I believe that this theory is an intellectual teaching . not rationalized by the mind. It copies and reproduces itself like a living organism and generates the same theories from its core.
These theories, against which the people once revolted, are now born from their new ideological core, a candidate carrying the same genes, and each is transformed into what we can call crisis brokers.
So… how is Sudan governed?