The Executive Director of Rabak Locality and the General Commissioner for Investment: They are standing on the ground in the investment activities at the Jeddah Company Industries Square (60).

Jeddah Engineering Construction and Metal Forming Company: absorbs large workforce from local market, increases production and promises to train young people

Professor Al-Sadiq Muhammad Othman, Commissioner in charge of Rabak locality, affirmed his support for the great efforts made by the White Nile State Investment Commission to attract foreign and local investments and investors and present investment opportunities in the state in a scientific manner. and modern which helped introduce the investment capabilities of the state, indicating that they attracted a significant number of investors in a short period.

The commissioner in charge of the locality of Rabak declared during a field visit accompanied by the Commissioner General for Investment, Mr. Abdullah Ismail Muhammad Ali, and the director of the security service of the locality of Rabak, that the locality is ready to facilitate the procedures by adopting all the provisions relating to investors. questions to confirm its seriousness and openness to local and foreign investments, noting that local authorities will work to provide the services and everything necessary to facilitate work in the Place des 60 Industries, known as Place de l'Investissement, to be a high-end model for the level of attractive investment services in Sudan. He added: – He is confident in supporting the political will of the state government, represented by the state governor, Prof. Omar Al-Khalifa, and the Minister of Finance in charge, Prof. Fatima Al -Hajj, for investment activities in the state, and providing them with all facilities, he continued by saying that the locality of Rabak is promising in investment areas and is characterized by multiple opportunities and a security stability.

For his part, Mr. Abdullah Ismail Mohamed Ali, Commissioner General for Investment in the State, said that the Commission, in accordance with the directives of Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State , and Ms. Fatima Al-Hajj Al-Tayeb, designated minister of the Ministry of Finance, strives to facilitate the procedures of investors through the one-stop shop and to facilitate all procedures for them, welcoming the seriousness of the company “Jeddah Engineering Construction and Metal Forming. who works in the field of metal forming and making tanks and disguises.

The commissioner stressed that the company would contribute to solving the problems of shortage of tanks and reservoirs and their installation in the state, and provide neighboring states and neighboring countries with what they need from these industries, stressing that “ Jeddah Construction” has proven its seriousness and is working today in difficult conditions because it has not yet completed its entire construction, but it immediately started… Its work has employed a significant number of young people. He added: “That’s what makes us matter. on its role in guiding state policy aimed at advancing production and supporting the national economy, in particular, and that we are committed to overcoming all obstacles faced by investors while providing the necessary services. He added: “The state has huge investments.” advantages, represented by paved roads, electricity, Kenana airport, free trade zones, limestone, oil, etc.

In the same context, Engineer Dhawal Al-Fadil, General Director of Jeddah Engineering Construction and Metal Forming Company, praised the appreciated efforts and role played by the Governor, Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa, and the Minister of Finance , which is represented in their guidelines to facilitate investors' procedures and remove obstacles faced by investors, and they praised the company's investments in White Nile State for their commitment in establishing the metallurgical industry, tanks, stationary and mobile tanks, farms and trailers in the state. and export them out of Sudan and feed neighboring states.

Dhow Al-Bayt welcomed the visit of the commissioner in charge of Rabak locality and the general commissioner for investment to review manufacturing operations, stressing that the visit confirms the state government's interest in the investment sector .

In this context, the lawyer, Mr. Muhammad Al-Aaz, Legal Advisor of Jeddah Engineering Construction and Metal Forming Company, said that the good start of the company is due to the management efforts and integration of roles between the government concerned. He emphasized that the company is taking constant steps in the field of metal manufacturing and forming and is at least making savings. twenty million pounds of the cost of purchasing and transporting the tanks from the Red Sea State to the White Nile State, according to the company's plan to export its products to local and international markets depending demand.

Engineer Ishaq Yousef, rich station and tank installation director of the Jeddah Engineering Construction and Metal Forming Company, praised the state government for welcoming the company and facilitating the procedures investment, emphasizing that the Jeddah Corporation for Technical Construction and Metal Formation is considered a real addition and pushes the state government to advance the national economy.

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