The executive director of Shendi locality inspects the Al-Ayoun camp of Almek Nimr Hospital, organized by Shendi University in cooperation with the International Vision Foundation, and praises the role of the university in society.

The Executive Director of Shendi locality, Mr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh Ali, attended the Al-Ayoun camp, organized by the Al-Basr Charitable Foundation in cooperation with Shendi University, which targeted 4 000 cases of detection and 400 operations, which continues until next Thursday, accompanied by the president of the university council, Eng. Al-Muatasem Ibrahim, and the director of Shendi University, Dr. Hassan Awad. The executive director was reassured about the work of the clinics and the state of eye operations. In addition to the services provided to patients, the Executive Director praised the great success achieved by Shendi University and its health institutions in providing medical and therapeutic services to the community. He said the university was one of the first institutions to contribute to support and healing. helping the armed forces and opening training camps, Professor Khaled explained, this camp is an extension of the health services provided by the university to the community.

Meanwhile, Shendi University Council Chairman, Engineer Al-Mu'tasem Ibrahim, renewed his emphasis on continuing medical and therapeutic services for the community. Al-Mu'tasim revealed many partnerships led by the university to improve the situation. level of services in the university's medical institutions, thanking the locality of Shendi, the Al-Basr Charitable Foundation and the voluntary organizations that contributed to the success of the camp.

While Mr. Zain Al-Abidin Al-Tayeb, the director of the camp, provided further clarification on the camp and the operations it carried out, and said that this camp is part of the joint cooperation between the International Sight Foundation in Mecca. Shendi Eye Hospital Complex and University.

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