The Executive Director of Shendi Locality inspects the rural translation hospital and confirms his support for all the necessary needs of the hospital and announces that the locality is free of any epidemic cases.

As part of his field visits to the health facilities and institutions in the locality, the Executive Director of Shendi locality, Mr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, reviewed the health and treatment services of the rural translation hospital of the Shendi North unit, accompanied by stressed the Director of the General Department of Health in the locality, Ms. Samia Othman Ahmed, where the Executive Director reviewed the progress of the hospital's work and the services it provides to citizens and the follow-up of free care and visits. He stressed the keenness of his locality to support health institutions and provide primary health care services, medicines and medical supplies to patients, free care, activating the work of health insurance and providing health insurance care. He stressed the importance of appointing a medical director for the hospital. of the Ministry of Health to organize and organize the work within the hospital and called on the Executive Director to participate in the spraying campaigns carried out by the locality to combat disease vectors, environmental sanitation, health promotion and health education. He also headed the Engineering Affairs Department. to review the basic and technical needs of the hospital in terms of maintenance and rehabilitation, Khaled called for the need to revitalize the popular side of the hospital and stressed the importance of the presence of medical staff in the hospital to receive patients and provide them with services. The Executive Director confirmed his full readiness to support maintenance operations and provide the necessary needs, and announced that the locality is free of any epidemic case.

While the Director of the General Department of Health of the locality, Mrs. Samia Othman Ahmed, renewed the emphasis on the rehabilitation and maintenance of the hospital, the provision of integrated medical services to the population of the region and the provision of primary health care services, medicines and medical supplies for patients and free care.

While the Secretary General of the Translation District Management Committee affirmed his full commitment to rehabilitate the service facilities in the area and benefit from government agencies to improve the reality of services, he highlighted the problems and obstacles facing the work at the hospital, emphasizing the readiness of the people of the area to rehabilitate this hospital, praising the great efforts of the locality and its concern to provide all services to the people of the locality.

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