The Executive Director of the Delgo Locality inaugurates the civil protection equipment of the locality

This evening, in the local buildings, the executive director of Dalqo locality, Mr. Mudathir Sharaf al-Din, was inaugurated in the presence of the local director of civil defense, Police Captain Muhammad Ali, members of the local autumn emergency committee and the head and representatives of the sheikhs inaugurated equipment and tools that help the civil defense to carry out its duty, whether during palm fires, autumn emergencies, etc., and they contain ten water pipes and eight pumps with high specifications and generous sponsorship from Dalqo locality, headed by its executive director, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf Al-Din.

For his part, the executive director of the locality of Dalgu said that he was pleased to launch the first phase with the equipment of the civil defense police to enable it to fulfill its duty of extinguishing fires to the maximum. That is why the first batch of pumps. and cartridges were planned and implemented, in addition to maintaining the vehicles that broke down in the units of Dalgu and Al-Baraka, and they are fully ready to carry out any work. He specializes in civil defense, noting that the locality is experiencing torrents and torrents. it rained in large quantities. He expressed his thanks for the efforts of the civil defense police during the last three days, despite the simple aids they had to draw water from the streets, especially in Sheikhat Mishkilah and Jdi, promising the citizens of the locality that they are ready to face any emergency in the area. Floods, rain or palm fires and their role as a locality in providing logistical aid, noting that the citizens of the locality immediately reported and communicated with the emergency room, expressing their thanks to the local public procurement committee and civil protection, and that they are fully prepared to respond to any request for civil protection until they are empowered, whether it is logistics services or training and qualification frameworks.

For his part, the director of the locality's civil defense police said that tonight the equipment provided by the executive director of the locality of Dalqo was inaugurated, represented by ten specialized towing pumps for fighting fires and other towing work, at high pressure. We tested them on palm tree fires and they proved their effectiveness, in addition to ten specialized water hoses for extinguishing that the firefighters imported from abroad with special quality and specifications. This equipment is a complement to the locality's civil protection. The pools of water accumulated inside the villages, sheikhs and markets. It is a strong boost to face palm tree fires to cover all areas of the locality by distributing them. The initial intervention will be done by their efforts, then the civil defense will intervene later. At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks for the efforts made by the local government and its executive director, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf Al-Din, who praised the efforts made to enable the Civil Defense Police to fulfill its duty.

For his part, the President General of the Sheikhs of Al-Mahs, Mukhtar Faqiri, said that the rains and torrential rains in the region require the combined efforts of all, expressing his thanks for the efforts of the executive director in forming the Autumn Emergency Committee and the Civil Protection Police and fully carrying out their work.

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