The executive office of the Media Association met with the executive director of Shendi locality. Cleanliness is a behavior and should be the concern of every citizen.

The executive director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, called for public cleanliness, health and prevention to be the business of society, even if it is only the business of the government. He added that we are working to make it a civic matter. concern and that society must play a role, and that this can only be done through the media.

The Executive Director appreciated the efforts of media professionals and their initiatives at the start of the campaigns to clean the streets and houses.

He called for increased health awareness and participation in campaigns by all. He called on young people to come with their equipment to cut down mesquite trees, and for participation to be ongoing and not tied to a specific schedule or participation.

The executive director called for full coordination with the unit

South Shendi, considering that the campaign involves unity and management of health and waste, the director called for the strengthening of the media to include all localities and communication with the leaders of South Shendi, considering that the campaign begins from there with television and radio coverage. before, during and after. He said the association has become an initiative and participant in activities and contributes ideas and has gone beyond the stage of sponsor and participant.

Colonel Ahmed Farah, director of the security and intelligence service of the locality of Shendi, appreciated the role of media professionals in leading the campaign in a tactical and media manner.

And participation by providing informative and practical models

He calls and urges compliance with cleanliness and sanitation, adding that cleanliness is a behavior.

Professor Elias Abdel-Rahman, president of the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi and director of the National Prisoner Production Project, presented a comprehensive report on Saturday's initiative and said it coincided with the local program cleanliness campaign, which begins on Saturday for three days in the Shindi South region, Professor Elias added that the campaign will be unified and the participation of media professionals will also include people from culture and theater.

Shendi's biggest local stars will participate as themselves and perform dramatic skits urging cleanliness and that it is part of faith.

A Elias announced the coordination of integrated media, including the cost of media agencies in the locality, in coordination with the Ministry of Culture and Information and the executive office of media in the locality, and that Radio Shendi will play a very important role in health. awareness, food safety and cleanliness, and that the director of Radio Shendi believed in all of this and actually chose Tim to carry out this task as well. Armed Forces Radio, Omdurman, Nahr al-Nil and Shendi newspapers, and. all websites, platforms, networks, press centers and social media sites will participate in reporting on the campaign.

The overall meeting in which the executive director of Shendi locality and the director of the Security and Intelligence Department met with the executive office of the Shendi locality Media Association.

He was complete and present

Motivation for the excellent work carried out by the locality of Shindi in favor of service work and mobilization and awareness work

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