The experiences that the Sudanese people have lived and are still living… and how to face them and benefit from them in the future ✍️ Dr Osama Al-Fateh Al-Omari

The cruelty of the experiences we have lived and are still going through, their bitterness and how we will deal with them in the future.

Building trust between leaders and the governed… creating fertile ground for cooperation between them for useful and constructive dialogue…

These issues can be resolved with the government and the people in a manner that preserves the right of all parties to fair contributions that allow them to engage with other parties on merit.

In the economy and all social activities.

And eradicate internal and external corruption.

The stage of building humanity, building the economic system, language and culture, raising the level of science, understanding languages ​​and studying history and laws.

Paths and start of the new phase

Avoid competition that leads to disappointment and loss of hope.

Stages of economic growth and human development

Developing the needs necessary for building a healthy economy, serious dialogue and a short language

Building the foundations and moral framework on which the country's rebirth depends and avoiding mistakes

The second step: –

The institution-building stage is the production stage, which supports integration and security and maintains economic progress.

Nations have morals as long as they exist, and if their morals disappear, they disappear.

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