The Factory of Men Facing the Fires of Hate – Something for the Fatherland – ✍️ Ing. Salah Ghariba

Amidst the bloody events taking place in Sudan, the features of an existential conflict that transcends the nation's borders are evident, reaching a clash of wills and civilizations. In the heart of this conflict, the Sudanese army stands firm, confronting with courage and wisdom all the conspiracies aimed at its dismantling and destruction.

The graduation of new batches of military schools at a time when the country is witnessing a fierce war is more than just a routine military event. It is a clear message from the General Command of the Sudanese Armed Forces to its enemies and friends alike. This message carries with it many deep connotations and meanings, including: the insistence that, despite the war and destruction, the Sudanese army will continue to play its national role in protecting the homeland and preserving its security and stability. The graduation of these batches confirms that the wheel of life continues and that the military institution is capable of renewing itself and developing its capabilities.

The enemy's attempts to weaken the Sudanese army by launching terrorist attacks and carrying out sabotage operations have failed. These attempts have failed miserably, which confirms the strength of the Sudanese army and its ability to withstand challenges. The graduation of these batches in these difficult circumstances reflects the extent of cohesion and solidarity between the people and the army. The Sudanese people are united behind their armed forces and support them with all their strength, and the continuous training and qualification of their forces by the Sudanese army is an investment in the future. A strong and united army is the main guarantor of Sudan's stability and prosperity.

What is happening in Sudan today is an existential conflict and a conflict of wills. The Sudanese army is the country's first line of defense and it is bearing the brunt of this bitter war. The graduation of these new batches is conclusive proof that the Sudanese army is capable of meeting any challenge, and that its future is bright.

We recommend the need to support the Sudanese army by all possible means, whether material or moral, while intensifying media efforts to raise public awareness of the importance of the army's role in maintaining security and stability, in addition to continuing to support the efforts of the Sudanese government in combating terrorism, extremist ideology and elements of fanaticism, in combating hate speech and in rejecting tribal hatreds.

The Sudanese army is a symbol of pride, pride and dignity, and it is the one that sacrificed the lives of martyrs to protect the homeland. No matter how great the challenges, the Sudanese army will remain firm and strong, defending its territory and people with all its might. Sudan is currently witnessing an escalation of the crisis, as the Sudanese armed forces are fighting the disbanded Rapid Support Forces and their supporters. once again, and the statements of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the latest in which he stressed the continuation of the war until the elimination of the rebellion, and this is the desire of all the Sudanese people.

The future prospects are evident in the need for dialogue. Despite the escalation of discourse, the need for dialogue and negotiation remains necessary to achieve a peaceful solution, but it is a dialogue adapted to the requirements of the moment and based on prior consultation with the armed forces and subject to the results of the Jeddah Conference in May 2023. The international community must redouble its efforts to support peace efforts in Sudan, and that the various Sudanese parties bear the great responsibility for finding a solution to the crisis and preserving the unity of the country.

As for the Jabit marches incident, it is necessary that a precise military, intelligence and technical responsibility be carried out there, because according to the standards of security and safety precautions on such occasions, it is supposed not to take place, especially since the airspace is full of drone marches and they can be easily disrupted, unless there are technological aspects and calculations that we do not realize.

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