The Failure of Al-Ruzaiqi, the Genius of Jamal Anqara and the Creativity of Malik Aqar ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Success is a quality that God Almighty bestows upon the one He loves, so the servants subjugate and serve Him and strive and compete to meet His demands.

Journalist Professor Jamal Ankara, the owner of Ankara Press Services Center, is a number that cannot be surpassed in any way. He created himself from nothing and sat on the throne of journalism with his distinguished performances and gifts.

Professor Jamal Anqara has managed to organize the largest and most important conference on media issues and, thanks to his connections and accumulated experience in the field of journalism, he has been able to achieve remarkable successes that his peers and members of his generation have not been able to achieve.

The housing project for women journalists in the city of Port Sudan was a dream for their female colleagues, but it became a reality thanks to God first, and then thanks to the initiative of Professor Jamal Anqara, to remove them from the shelters and pay them the rent bill that exhausted them. Thus, Sultan Anqara dried the tears of his daughters and sisters and housed them in housing worthy of their status.

The chairman of the General Union of Sudanese Journalists (whose term has legally and juridically expired), Mr. Al-Sadiq Al-Raziqi, has been unable to provide for the most basic needs of life for his colleagues, who claim to be their legitimate representative and speak on their behalf in various local, regional and international forums.

After the outbreak of the war, Al-Sadiq Al-Ruzaiqi fled with his skin and preferred to live in the state of Turkey, taking advantage of its benefits, and did not cast a single glance at his fellow journalists, who suffered the scourge of war, killings, captivity, displacement and arrest.

A true leader is one who stands by his soldiers until the end of the battle. He dies with them, lives with them, rejoices in their joy and grieves in their sorrow.

Journalists are fully aware of who represents them and who is trading on their stories. Therefore, they have not been fooled by flashy slogans and false promises.

The executive board of the General Union of Sudanese Journalists (whose mandate has legally and lawfully expired) liked to live in the Arab state of Egypt, far from the battlefield, and did not bother to inspect the conditions of their professional colleagues who preferred to live inside Sudan.

Thank you, Mr. Journalist No. Sultan Jamal Anqara, for your good work and your interest in the problems of your colleagues in times of distress (a friend in times of distress)

Thank you for the calamities, tribulations and catastrophes that have revealed to us the true nature of loyal men. Without the war, we would not have known these noble patriotic positions.

Thank you, Vice President of the Sovereignty Council, Mr. Malek Aqar Air, who responded to the call of duty and sent female journalists to their homes and supervised and followed up this file with a personal photo until it became a reality.

The war will surely end, sooner or later, and tomorrow we will return home and regurgitate the tape of memories. We will enumerate the heroic positions and preserve the rights of each (history is not merciful).

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