The Fall of the Masks ✍️ Dr Al-Nazir Ibrahim Abu Sil

– They fell and were overthrown, and the conspiracies of those who controlled them fell with the phrase (one army, one people), the slogan of the free men and women of Sudan that they will not give up and will not give up, no matter how many nations fight against them.

When the conspirators against Sudan, its people, its national institutions and its valiant Sudanese armed forces found themselves defeated on all fronts, they had no choice but to present themselves to the world with various tricks, the most important of which were the violation of human values ​​and principles that were innocent of them. If, in fact, they were their strategic objective, they would seek help from the legitimate government of Sudan, which will not underestimate and has not underestimated its people's legitimate, constitutional, legal. social and economic rights have been violated by their conspiracies that are not hidden from God's creatures.

What the conspirators were raised for is exposed and does not shake the free men and women of Sudan one bit. We are listening to you at all times and wherever you go.

Those whom you call civilians are not among us, and we are not among them either. No matter how much you open the way for them, they will not be able to set foot on an inch of the pure land of Sudan or make a decision in any of the country's high institutions. These verses are for them 👇

They fell into the mud of betrayal

For them to succeed

They disturbed the peace of life

And they raped the resource

Even the birds hesitated

When they assassinated Al-Nada

A homeland that contains the Nile and is blessed by its goodness

A homeland with unique signs of beauty

What do those who attack our land want?

Haters lost without guidance

Pray for the land of depravity and betrayal

These slogans have become vain

We are on the path of jihad and we will rise again

Or the dead earth will bloom again

Sudan has free men and women whose children are aware of the interests of the country, the citizen and its institutions.

If you are asking to attack the sovereignty of Sudan, its people and its institutions, know that we are all its army.

If you want to achieve other goals, we will not allow it, even if it is in the minds of the Sudanese.

If peace is made between us and the bastards of the Dagalo militia mercenaries and their terrorist collaborators and supporters, we will make peace with our conditions which are not hidden from you. They have chosen between two qualities: a shameful war or a shameful peace.

Dr. Al-Nadhir Ibrahim Abu Sil

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