The first meeting of the Supreme Committee was held to review shelters and consider opening schools in White Nile State.

Dr. Al-Tayeb Ali Issa, Minister of Education and Guidance of White Nile State, today chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee in charge of reviewing the shelters and consider opening schools in the state.

This in the presence of all the members of the committee of the Ministry of Health, the Social Development Sector, the Humanitarian Aid Commission, the executive directors of the localities of Kosti and Rabak, the directors of education of the localities, and the representatives from universities and various security agencies.

The meeting discussed special arrangements for the opening of schools in the state, in light of the exceptional circumstances the country is going through, which have made it necessary to accommodate arrivals in schools. The meeting aimed to create accommodation alternatives and determine accommodation conditions. real needs of these schools in light of the challenges facing the opening of schools and the start of the school year. Committee members stressed the need to open schools and work at the local level through subcommittees to identify shelters and reception centers. choose alternative locations for them in coordination with the social welfare sector and the Sudanese Red Crescent, while ensuring support for education through government intervention with organizations aimed at improving the school environment in seating, school health and nutrition.

State Education and Guidance Minister Dr Al-Tayeb Ali Issa, head of the committee, said the meeting directed the formation of specialized committees at the local level with the aim of carrying out an investigation comprehensive information on arrivals in the country. accommodation centers and find alternative accommodation for them, provided that these committees support the operations of seats and textbooks, the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, as well as the assembly and classification of these centers as specified. The Supreme Committee set a deadline for. local committees for a full month to reconcile these conditions while continuing their work and continually submitting their reports to the Supreme Committee, taking into account the organizations' obligations to rehabilitate and maintain more than one hundred and twenty-two schools and provide almost six thousand tents, in addition to seats, support for students and teachers, and training for teachers and municipal councils and a special status for the localities of Kosti and Rabak, as they are among the localities the most hospitable places in the state for expatriates.

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