The four are close.. Yahal..Yabel – Mawazanat – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

As expected and anticipated, the August 14 round of negotiations between the delegations of the army and the Rapid Support Militia in Geneva will begin on Wednesday, under American sponsorship, a Saudi sponsor and a regional and international presence, after the approval of the official sponsor and organizer of this round (the United States) on most of what the Sudanese government stipulated, approvals that left some confusion among supporters.
What matters now is that the cycle begins and builds on what was initially established at the podium in Jeddah, what was and is what the Sudanese people affected by this war have demanded and continue to adhere to as a condition of any negotiation with the Janjaweed.
These people were not opposed to negotiation in principle, but they set conditions, the most important of which was the implementation of what had been agreed at the Jeddah forum, and the Hanjaweed refused to implement it.
Now that the commitment has been made to implement this agreement and to develop it, we do not believe that any rational person will object to negotiation, and we do not believe that anyone will object to action that would end the war and bring people back to their homes and jobs, and restore security and safety to all parts of the country…
We must pray that this cycle will be successful if it is carried out in accordance with the commitments of each candidate and is not interrupted by advances or attempts to sabotage and drag the negotiators towards results that are neither in the interest of the people nor in the interest of stopping the war and the clashes…
Some pens and websites linked to circles that do not want to stabilize the country have started to spit poison and distort the statements and results of the dialogues and meetings with the intention of insulting and denigrating the government and making it appear as someone who submitted to the negotiations under duress (and this is a kind of sabotage). They are the ones who, a few days ago, accused this government itself of evasion and of not wanting to end the negotiations and its evasion of dialogue…
Let us continue to pray that this dialogue and these conditions that those invited to negotiate will succeed…
If this cycle fails and the mediator fails, who will put his last ounce of weight on this issue. Believe me, there is no other solution except in the country, and this will destroy what is left in this country, and the legend of the Janjaweed will end forever, and all parties will find nothing to govern after this, and whoever is present will start building a new country.
May God help everyone
The article has been published The four are close… Yahal..Yabel – Mawazanat – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi First on Zoll net.