The Friday Sermon of the Ancient Damar Mosque and the Powerful Messages of Sheikh Al-Jabrawi

With the praise of God, His help and success, God Almighty enabled us to attend the blessed Friday sermon from the great and ancient Al-Damer Mosque, in which the preacher and imam was His Eminence Sheikh Advisor Ahmed Hamid Al-Jabrawi. The title of the sermon was Sudan and the intersection of strategies, and this is its right and its truth. It was a lecture and a tour in which the Sheikh invested, God willing, may God bless his knowledge and vast experience. he carefully analyzed what has been happening in our country since it gained its independence in the year 56, and what our country has been experiencing in terms of rivalries and disagreements since it gained its independence, and the foreign conspiracies and intrigues that continue to perpetuate. afflict it, aimed at seizing its resources and assets. He focused and focused his Eminence the Sheikh on a very important point, which is the inability of all… Our national governments and all our parties throughout the history of our country are deeply rooted in the management of tribal and ethnic diversity and the multiplicity of resources. This diversity and multiplicity is a path of strength for many great countries that have managed it well and benefited from it in the renaissance, development and progress of their countries. our Sudanese experience and His Eminence focused on the fragility of our national education and the promotion of tribalism. Unfortunately, racism and regionalism affect the homeland. His Eminence stressed the need to instill the national spirit and love for the homeland in young people and children. , linking educational programs to love for the homeland and the values ​​of tolerance of the Islamic religion, and adhering to its teachings contained in the Noble Quran and the Sunnah of the Beloved Chosen One, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. His Eminence called for the need for urgent awakening and vigilance of consciences to block the path of any greedy person and external ambition to seize the resources and assets of our country, which, according to him, includes all the human and material elements, represented by the country's vast and vast lands, the virgin land, which is equivalent to 40% of the area of ​​the Arab world, as well as the abundant water of the Nile and other rivers, in addition to rainwater and others, indicating that the world today is suffering from a lack of water, so the next war is a water war. He also pointed out that Sudan has a huge wealth in animals, dozens of times greater than that of the Netherlands, as well as in the field of minerals, in addition to natural resources. the fact that Sudan is the country of gold, and this is one of the reasons for the invasion of Sudan by Muhammad Ali Pasha, in addition to men, many precious metals too, especially uranium and others, added that Sheikh Al-Jabrawi. despite all this wealth and diversity of resources, which is not found in any country except in our country, we live in poverty begging the outside world to provide us with support and assistance, because we are like a beautiful girl who does not know her beauty and is not aware of people's admiration and fascination. He also mentioned the moral poverty that has afflicted us recently, due to greed, covetousness and the pursuit of quick enrichment and quick gain without restraint, as well as the spread of drugs, pornography and nudity. , and erroneous ideas such as secularism, irreligion, sun worship and other temptations, His Eminence pointed out that our country has remained, since its independence, without a vision or plan, and that all our successive governments work. day after day, without any goal or vision. His Eminence called on you to return to the Almighty God, to repent, ask for forgiveness and implore the Almighty God, then to reject division, diaspora and disagreement, which are evil, and to stay away from selfishness and self-esteem, reject tribalism, racism, regionalism and blind partisan fanaticism, and give priority to the interest of the nation in our foreign relations and the future prospects of our country through an integrated and comprehensive plan on which everyone agrees. takes into account the highest interests of the nation so that they are above all other interests. We all agree that Sudan is our homeland, so we should not neglect its security, stability and resources, and preserve the rights of future generations. Sheikh stressed the importance of youth, taking care of them and providing them with job opportunities and honorable income, because they are the foundation and pillar of the future, and their nation will not succeed. Its youth is misguided and lost, immersed in their desires. and pleasures. He drew attention to education, science and academics in order to build a strong and thriving nation. Education is a weapon, and ignorance is one of the greatest enemies of the nation, and it is it that causes backwardness and confusion.

His Eminence condemned the horrific crimes committed by the rebel militias and mercenaries, including destruction, devastation, murder, rape, destruction of public and private property, occupation of homes, seizure of citizens' property and destruction of state institutions, in a way that the whole world has never witnessed before, His Eminence the Sheikh prayed to the Almighty God to protect our country from the plots of the enemies and agents and mercenaries inside and outside, and to grant victory to our armed forces and those who support them. a powerful victory, supporting all enemies, agents and mercenaries inside and outside, and against all evil, affliction, abomination, harm, damage and epidemic.

We note that a large number of leaders of the state and locality of Al-Damer and the Al-Majdhib family, led by its dean, Dr. Muhammad Al-Majzoub, and a large group of citizens, were so numerous at the mosque, despite its capacity and space, that some were forced to pray outside.

After the prayer, Sheikh Mamoun, the Imam and preacher of the mosque, spoke on behalf of the Al-Majdhib family and all the people of Al-Damer, and he expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Eminence Sheikh Al-Jabrawi for visiting his family, relatives and acquaintances in Al-Damer, and for giving him this sermon which he described as impeccable. He called for the need to benefit from what was said in the sermon to advance the nation and overcome these challenges. What our beloved country is experiencing.

In fact, the sermon spoke of a road map, a detailed practical program, and a solid plan to preserve our homeland, Sudan, in light of the great conspiracies that are being hatched against it, with the support of many foreign countries that covet our resources. and to make our country, as His Eminence Sheikh Advisor Al-Jabrawi mentioned, its back store and reserve in light of the depletion of its resources. I wish that this complete, comprehensive, and sufficient sermon be disseminated to all our parties, leaders, and institutions, they would benefit from it and translate it into a work program and benefit from the capabilities of Sheikh Ahmed Hamid Al-Jabrawi, who has worked in many institutions and is an experienced jurist, one of the leaders of the country. Bar Association, former advisor to the government of the Nile State and leader of the Supreme Council for Strategic Planning in the country, and leader of the Ansar Al-Sunnah Muhammadiyah group in the country. The Sheikh is known for his communication and leadership. his openness to everyone and his interest in the affairs of the nation and the homeland, always quoting the words of the beloved Chosen One, may the prayers and peace of God be upon him, whoever does not care about the affairs of Muslims is not one of them, or as he said, may the prayers and peace of God be upon him. May God grant you health and well-being, our honorable Sheikh, the professor, may God increase your knowledge and understanding, grant you success, direct your steps. , and benefit you. Indeed, He is powerful over all things.

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