The Future of the State of Sudan in Light of Current Challenges ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The Declaration of Independence in 1956 AD in the Parliament, the Glorious October Revolution of 1964 AD, the March-April Uprising of 1985 AD, the December Revolution of 1919 AD… All these major events were achieved with the cooperation and consensus of the majority of the Sudanese people, with their various ethnicities and ethnicities, their various political orientations, and their geographical regions… However, this did not crystallize a national project around which all the masses of the Sudanese people would rally, and the clear and clear result for any reasonable person was subjective conflicts between political entities since the dawn of stability and in each era that have increased in ferocity. and cruelty and stretched over decades and years, and ultimately this cursed war culminated in the failure to build a modern state based on the principles of freedom, justice, equality, transparency, positive excellence and leadership advancement standards based on competence, academic and professional merit, integrity and good morals.

I believe that one of the most important results of this cursed war, after the torrent reached its peak, is that it revealed the road map of rational and committed peoples in the public interest, both honorable and patriotic, devoid of their own internal and external agenda. What the Sudanese people lack at this stage is the unification of the internal front on the values, principles and constants that represent the common denominator between all components of society with their different intellectual points of view, ethnicities, beliefs and geographical regions. The most important principles of democracy require the recognition of the other… acceptance of objective and constructive criticism… and a consensus that the method of free and direct dialogue represents the effective way to resolve all differences. I repeat and reiterate what I mentioned earlier. repeatedly: that the sudden development of events in Sudan and the anticipation of their future consequences represent a test for the wisdom and rationality of the political forces active in Sudan, both military and civilian, to know and test the extent of their capacity to manage the political conflict, to go through the transition period to the continent and to preserve the entity of the Sudanese state from fragmentation and fragmentation… This is the final call, oh my God, if you have transmitted it, bear it witness.

Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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