The gathering of the Sudanese people with their armed forces has aborted the international plan to destroy them – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

It is no secret to anyone who follows Sudanese affairs

The malicious international conspiracy carried out by many countries that exceeded about twenty countries with the aim of colonizing Sudan for its resources. They were united by common interests to attack it. The vast territory it enjoys and its multiple resources were a reason for many countries to think of attacking it and seizing its wealth, even if the return was the death of its people and their displacement.

A conspiracy in which the UN Security Council and its various organizations participated by ignoring and deliberately turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by the Rapid Support Militia and its mercenaries throughout this period of the war. international law, such as systematic genocide and other countless crimes that are considered a direct threat to a country affiliated with these international institutions that have lost their credibility and neutrality in the Sudanese issue, in which evidence and evidence have been presented condemning the United Arab Emirates and other countries. who provide these invaders with military equipment and logistical support, but it has not found fairness and justice in holding accountable the countries that committed or participated in this war.

The Sudanese people have not been spared from the scourges of this war, which has destroyed crops, livestock and infrastructure. Women have been raped and citizens have been displaced from their homes. Most of them have been displaced within the states, and those who remained in their homes have been subjected to humiliation, humiliation, beatings and death at the hands of members of this militia, which does not care about the young or the old, children or women.

This war was planned years ago and seeks, in addition to the theft of resources, to change the tolerant concepts, customs and values ​​for which Sudan is famous, through its agents and those affiliated with it in the civil service who were able to penetrate the joints of the state during the transitional government period, so they deliberately changed the laws and articles, especially those that they considered a threat to them, which concern arrest and detention and some articles that prevent the spread of indecency in society, such as. such as adultery, which they removed from the law and modified and allowed same-sex marriage. They suddenly appeared in a phenomenon that had not happened in the history of Sudan, and which is considered a scandal that follows them for life, along with everyone. wondering and asking them how these filth and drunkards came to this place, the ruler of a country known throughout the world for its chastity, to which customs and traditions were linked.

The purpose of all this is clear: to secularize the state and remove Islamic laws that conflict with their interests and morals, because most of them lived outside Sudan and were raised in immorality, orgy and stinking morals. They have forgotten what the Sudanese people are. a chaste people, and their customs and traditions do not allow moral chaos and require the discipline of the public road through which all Sudanese families pass.

We express our tribute, appreciation and respect to the Sudanese Armed Forces, who waged this brutal war with the support of the National Security and Intelligence Service, the police and the pensions of the various regular forces, the popular resistance and the mobilized who fought valiantly until they were on the verge of achieving victory, for whom it was only a matter of time and which was stained by the blood of the martyrs who were martyred in these battles in cities and states for the pride and glory of this country.

We must recognize that this war, despite its cruelty and horror, which has harmed the nation and all Sudanese people, is one of its positive effects: the return of the people to rally around their armed forces in one trench and the slogan (one army, one people) has been applied.

Another of its advantages is the strong return of the National Security and Intelligence Service to its former state after the approval of its laws that were taken away from it during the transitional government, which indicates the return of tranquility after the arrest of the agents and mercenaries who caused all these bloody events.

Another notable fact of this war, despite its cruelty, is the emergence of social solidarity between all the different layers of the population through families who shelter their relatives, acquaintances and friends in their homes in the different states and cities invaded by the rebel militias.

As for the negative points, they are many and innumerable, but we mention them, but not limited to them, which must be dealt with with the required speed immediately after the end of the war, which is to monitor and follow the members of the political wing that supports and supports the rapid support militia, which has penetrated the civil service and various aspects of the state, whether they are leaders or employees, which is considered a time bomb and will be considered an obstacle to the development of the country, which contributes to the general deterioration of the country, and they are considered a sleeping place that poses a danger to the society of the state.

This war produced indescribable events, sufferings and tragedies that the Sudanese people, with its various components, continued to endure, and they will remain immortal in our minds for many years that cannot be erased from memory, and the current generation will tell them to future generations.

History will tell for generations the steadfastness of the armed forces in the face of these fierce attacks, which have become a subject of questioning and admiration for many political and military leaders in various parts of the world, who expected a complete collapse within a week. But the leaders of the Sudanese Armed Forces, Security and Intelligence, the National Security and Intelligence Service, the Police Forces, the Popular Resistance and Mustafarin have proven their high skills in military planning and tactics, which will become a reference taught in the country. military colleges and institutes.

The name of the Sudanese people will be immortalized in the memory of nations and peoples for their solid stance alongside their armed forces, as they set the most wonderful examples of sacrifice, steadfastness and love of the homeland.

Sacrifices that will remain engraved in history for this people who were patient, endured evil and oppression and were displaced. That is why they took up arms, which was the birth of popular resistance born from the bosom of society and the general public, so its members took up arms to defend themselves, defend their honor and their lands.

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