The General Intelligence Service in North Kordofan and the application of the concept of preventive health… The eye hospital awaits ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

Our previous understanding of the National Security and Intelligence Service was that its main objective was to arrest and torture political opponents of the Salvation Regime in accordance with its own law, and this was indeed the case, except when the glorious December Revolution broke out and the law was amended to become the General Intelligence Service in order to play different and multiple roles for the benefit of the citizens, and its mental image among the citizens improved afterwards, and its information skills and professional behavior were evident in the North Kordofan State in terms of effectively contributing to the management of the crisis (the war of April 15, 2023). It was the fortified fortress with the military intelligence forces and the leaders who did not blink, and all the leaders, officers, soldiers and non-commissioned officers. the Fifth Division (Haggana or Resh Sass of the Army) and other regular services, and certainly all this cohesion made the white standard of Deyoum safe and stable.

In my opinion, this security and safety led the leaders, officers and soldiers of the General Intelligence Service of the State to think about what would benefit the people at this time (the autumn season). The choice was made to implement successive days of environmental sanitation during the year. shelters for displaced people in Al-Obeid, Al-Obeid University Hospital and other places. This commendable act is praised by the residents.

I believe that this trend has been successful, because cleaning up the environment necessarily means preserving public health through prevention, and applying the concept of preventive medicine (prevention is better than cure) and also the concept (prevention is better than cure). It is known that preventive medicine costs less than curative medicine. All developed countries are working to consolidate preventive medicine by promoting urban and environmental behaviors.

Therefore, we can say: Mr. Brigadier General Al-Awad Muhammad Al-Awad succeeded, with his colleagues from all military institutions, in protecting the people of Al-Abyad from the attacks of the Janjaweed, and he also succeeded with his officers in the mosquito and dengue control agency, and we say to them, congratulations on this success, but the Al-Abyad Eye Hospital is waiting for the implementation. A day to sanitize the environment urgently, as ophthalmologists are now preparing to operate it again after a day. an interruption that lasted for years without any reason.

Did you answer??? Bring (2) containers (10 barrels or a little less) and complete the sewing with silk.

May you always be well,,,,

Saturday September 21, 2024

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