The Geneva negotiations…a game to gain time for the rebellion..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*The failure of the mediators to implement the Jeddah decisions, which required the rebellion to evacuate citizens' homes and civilian objects and to stop its repeated crimes, clearly means the presence of “procrastination” to gain more time for the criminal militia, and there is no doubt here that there is a “hidden role” for the American fingers in procrastination and procrastination, and this is now evident by (inviting) Secretary of State Blinken to further negotiations in (Geneva), as an alternative to the Jeddah platform. , which means shelving the Jeddah decisions, bypassing them, and then opening the way for a (new recipe), as if there were (magic solutions) available in Geneva, so… Several questions are posed to the American Mediator… Is it more important (to enforce) the previous agreed decisions or to (move) the negotiations from one place to another…?!! Isn't moving the platform to Geneva an attempt (to deceive) the government of Sudan and make it believe that there is something new waiting for it…?!! Or is it intended to please the other invited parties and reject the Jeddah decisions?!!*

*It is strange that the UN is content to be just an “observer” of the American engine, charged, according to its charter, with resolving conflicts in the world, which makes the international system nothing more than a “chess piece” on the American chessboard, and as for those who brandish what is called “Article Seven”. This is cheap propaganda that they believe can scare Sudan, and America dictates it to them, and they say it shamelessly, and they think that it can terrorize our people or “break” their stability with its army … and this exemption from clause seven represents one of the “tools” that America uses to push through its agenda, especially in country conflicts, such as (enriching them) with the lies of civility, democracy, international security and peace, the option of motivation, etc. !!

*In any case, these are (used tools) that did not save America from the (painful) ends that befell it in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan… and something worse could await it in Sudan… Therefore, America, as a great power, is supposed to be (a helping party) in resolving conflicts and not (its complexity) and investing it in favor of its own agenda that always goes against (the will of the people), and then in the end America pays the price for these positions…!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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