The Geneva negotiations are a major intrigue that our leaders should not miss ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


*The Geneva negotiations are a major intrigue that our leaders should not miss*…

*The National Conference: Read the story and watch the outcome of the situation!!!*…

++ An audio excerpt from the history of the National Conference whose expressions testify to the keen attention of its president, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud, who has a high culture and a deep knowledge of the developments in the corridors of international foreign policy, especially with regard to the internal affairs of Sudan and the future of our regional, Arab and Islamic environment…

++ The clip in its entirety contained an important warning about a new conspiracy targeting Sudan, whose armed forces managed, with patience, courage, tenacity and firmness, to break the strong force of the rebellion, because it was no longer effective and capable of confronting our armed forces, so they turned into small scattered gangs whose main strength and livelihood was the looting and plundering of defenseless citizens who are unable to help and find no way…

++ The clip rejects any idea of ​​submission and acquiescence to the acceptance of the Geneva negotiations, on the one hand, because these are a pretext to save the Janjaweed militias from a heavy defeat that would eliminate any glimmer of hope for their presence and their maintenance in Sudan, not to mention participation in power, even if it is a symbolic participation…

++ The most striking warning of the clip is that it highlights the deception of the Zionist state of the Emirates, whose media machine is dedicated only to propaganda and the announcement of a famine surrounding the Sudanese people, which is a lie intended to pressure Al-Burhan to accept the conspiratorial negotiating table in Geneva…

++ Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud, former Minister of Agriculture and one of those interested in the details of agriculture in Sudan and the world, and who has a good stock of knowledge, preached precise and direct statistics on the essence of the important agricultural file. ..

++ When you sit next to the man – and I do often – you are captivated by an amazing understanding of the minute details of agriculture;; Harvests, production, marketing, products, output, obstacles, rainfall rates and expectations…

++ Good news for the world that Sudan will not go hungry, God willing, based on the news of a successful autumn, God willing, and the other food resources available to Sudan, including the huge livestock production and great fish wealth…

++ Therefore, causing the existence of famine in Sudan is a miserable promotion planned by the Emirates, using its foolish servants ((God honors the listeners)) to promote and announce it…

++ The most important thing in the audio clip is his direct address to Al-Burhan and the Sudanese people on the need to pay serious attention to the new conspiracy that is being prepared against Sudan through the Geneva platform…

++ Calling for the need to read history and look at the outcome of the situation in Somalia, Syria, Yemen and the destruction of Iraq, because after every war that is unleashed in a country, it is followed by negotiations that pave the way for new colonization by imposing traitors who implement their directives, and they are now repeating the same tragedy by imposing drought on the Sudanese people…

++ The phrase ((Be careful that the destruction and prolonged war that took place before against countries before us) are not repeated in Sudan) is an inspiring and sincere message that seriously aims to refresh the memory of the Sudanese nation by not dealing spontaneously and innocently, without apprehension and caution, with these criminals…

++ The audio recording opened the door to contemplation and deep reflection: is there a single man in Sudan who does not realize that if America wanted to stop the war for the sake of the Sudanese people, it could have ordered the Janjaweed militias to withdraw the Arabs in the diaspora to the countries from which they came???!!!

++ Is it difficult for the US administration to order the small state of the Emirates, the small state of evil, not to support, help and assist the Janjaweed militia???!!!

++ Leave all that aside. Is it difficult for the small Zionist state of the Emirates, which claims to fear for the Sudanese people a certain famine that besieges it, to support Sudan??!!

++ They are thieves and political idiots who lie and believe that such lies can deceive a conscious people who realized the extent of the Emirati conspiracy and seemed more convinced that any negotiation is only a tool for more disasters and hatred against them and their homeland, Sudan…

++ Therefore, the Sudanese people will not accept any negotiations with these criminal murderers and rapists; Therefore, we are convinced that Al-Burhan will not betray Sudan because this is a characteristic that prevents him from accepting the agreement of humiliation and humiliation that will come to us when he goes to Geneva…

++ Therefore, any country that wants to present a model for a wonderful solution must reject the Geneva negotiations and support and encourage the implementation of the decisions of the Jeddah Platform. Otherwise, we will not accept any solution other than “baldness.”

++ The recording of the President of the National Congress is a document for history, which will be recorded as the only party that rejected the Geneva negotiations, which seek to weaken and destroy what remains of our dear homeland by breathing life into the remnants of the remnants of the Janjaweed, allowing them to prepare to attack us again…

+++ *++Mr. Al-Burhan*! Submitting to and participating in the Geneva platform is a new great conspiracy that does not lead to the good of your people and your army in the same way that separated the great national symbol, Ibrahim Mahmoud, the leader of the largest mass, active and mass party in the country. the current political scene, a figure that is difficult to overcome even if the unbelievers hate him…

*++Our army, machine*

*++Be careful, Jinn*

*++Resistance, Nashama*

*Omar Capo*

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