The Global Conspiracy Against Sudan ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Subir

Through several previous articles published in a number of electronic publications and available on the Google platform… I have given a comprehensive explanation supported by witnesses, evidence and reports from many international organizations and human rights councils, and I have concluded that the aggression to which Sudan, its people and its infrastructure are exposed, which includes killings, looting, pillaging, rape and occupation of homes, disruption of services, destruction of infrastructure and destruction of private and public property… All these crimes, according to the reports of the United Nations and humanitarian organizations inside and outside Sudan, constitute a global conspiracy against Sudan and its people with the aim of annihilating them and wiping them off the international map with the aim of stealing and exploiting their land, sea and river resources, minerals and other resources. Various air and underground resources… The ground outlet of this conspiracy is the Rapid Support Forces and its political incubators of shameless and progressive parties led by Abdul Dirham and the dollar Hamdok, the traitor to his religion, his country and his people… It is supported by mercenary forces from about seventeen countries including the majority of neighboring countries… It is funded by the United Arab Emirates, its Zionist partners and some Western countries… and the evil global triumvirate, which includes America, France and Britain, is genuinely participating in it by providing equipment, weapons, logistical and diplomatic support.

And so that we do not forget all these crimes that have been documented by international and humanitarian organizations and condemned by all free and honorable peoples of the world… I have the honor to present these documents and to draw with words… so that we do not forget…

As following ….

……..the cosmic conspiracy…..

……. In Sudan….

Who else and for others than us? We are the honorable people of the country, both civilian and military…

Who else and for others than us, throughout the country, no end, no boredom, no intermission.

Who else can sound the alarm?

Who else has a people whose hearts have attached themselves to the chandelier and have not looked further?

Who else has a kind and tolerant people who fast out of hatred, are pure out of love and break the fast?

Who else? For a people who believe in God alone and in every tyrant and unfaithful soothsayer.

Who else had a rebellious people rising up everywhere to destroy human idols?

Who else has a people who possessed the highest morality and prevailed over all the peoples of the earth…

Who else blamed the mother of a martyr whose heart was broken by grief and whose spirit was shattered…

Who else is Abu Shahid who is still holding back his tears of pain that flow?

Who else would have been the sister of a martyr for her weeping, her screaming and her cries that made the stone groan?

Who else would seek a martyr in the prairies, in the deserts, in the sewers and in the holes?

Who else can offer condolences to a martyr sleeping underground, not knowing who killed him, and also not knowing what happened?

Who else are the free women who were tortured and raped. And whoever gets angry, we are all a lion who visits…

Who else had a childhood that complained about how unfair the earth bricks were and everyone responded and became a volcano and exploded?

Who else is there for the displaced, the lost, the hungry and the destitute?

Apart from us, places of worship have been desecrated and their doors closed in the face of every man who stands at night…

Without us, there are civilian health and education institutions whose slogan has become the Clash, whose title is everywhere you see it.

Who else has seen thugs looting their camels and belongings, without even leaving syringes behind?

Besides us, there have been destroyed houses, sweat poured into their construction, separations from loved ones and sleepless nights.

Who else has been wreaking havoc everywhere? Stores, banks, farms, factories, even quarantine…

Who else would be provoked by rebels who committed crimes and atrocities that had not been committed before them, even by the Tatars?

Who else has politicians whose slogan is hypocrisy? They are traitors, they kill, they steal, etc.

Apart from us, there are politicians who lie and have been acquitted. Masilama was their teacher and student, and with that he confessed and acknowledged…

Besides us, there are politicians who worship chairs as a reward they seek. Let them know that chairs are for those who oppress, set fire and do evil.

Who else has feasts and sorrows for us? The testimony of Ibn Khaled is sufficient: they fail in all good and succeed in all evil…

Who else is there for a state created by the Jews, whose leaders sow seditions that sow devastation everywhere, and the people of Qatar are witnessing it…

Who else but us has nations that brandish the slogan of unity as a title and in reality spread death and destruction at the behest of the elders behind the stone…

Who else could provoke a continent whose resources were stolen by colonialists so that its people could live in humiliation, disease and poverty…

Who else can break the captivity of resources above and below ground that remain available to any thief or traitor to evil with a conscience.

Who else can control the dens of betrayal and exploitation in Addis Nairobi in the air, at sea and on land…

Who else would shake the ground beneath the feet of tyrants and offer his soul and remains as the most precious dowry…

Who else can do justice to a hard worker who has accomplished nothing but sweat and a thief from afar picking the fruits…

Who else will present honest people who will build a homeland after the devastation, despite the corrupt losers in every desert and in every city…

Without us, our entire army was raised by its men who exchanged nothing, neither bought nor sold, in a political market with labor and slave labor that became famous.

Who else would sing about love for the homeland on a new holiday? He wrote the anthem, composed the poem and put the pearls into prose…

Who else can pray, thank God and say it publicly? We are your soldiers, Mujeeb. You are stronger, you are greater…

A sincere call from the hearts of all honorable citizens of the country, civilians and military, to forget our differences and cooperate on what we have agreed on, to apologize to each other on what we disagree on and to carry the mantle of the homeland and purify our ranks of traitors and agents, in response to the cries of oppressed women, men and children who say: “Our Lord, remove us from this village whose inhabitants are oppressive and give us a guardian with You, and make us a helper from You… Let us build, with the help and success of God, a homeland that can accommodate everyone…

Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

….. University of Khartoum …..

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