The good news… electricity has arrived – Endoscopy – ✍️ Amna Al-Saydah

When we learned of the arrival of the new transformer in the locality of Shendi, we rejoiced because it suffers from major electricity problems, especially after the large number of people who come there because of the war, and we are grateful , because he opened his hearts before his homes, and this is something that deserves thanks and appreciation. Of course, the affair had a lot of consequences and more pressure, but that didn't bother her, rather she tried to let it go without complaining, and she started to do so. works in silence, and despite its request for three transformers from the State, it only accepted one. We hope the government will respond by providing a transformer. We hope the rest of the Transformers will be available soon. Gentlemen, we followed the event closely and, of course, we were affected by the severe programming of the Electricity Authority, and we were reluctantly patient despite our knowledge. The deadline set by the Commission was short and limited in life, but heck. , Al-Harour, and the desperate face manipulated us and we entered into doubt about the speed of the work of those who were responsible for ordering him to complete the work on time until I passed in front of the workers of the electricity as they connected new poles and wires. in the Al-Sayedhab district, in the village of Sardiyya Al-Shaqalwa in Ezz Al-Hajir, I asked them questions because of the new transformer. They said yes, I had no choice but to tell them, “God help you.” reward yourself well. while he was paying a visit, this was not announced to the National Electricity Authority in Shendi locality. For the sake of truth and history, we say that the secret of the success of local projects is the direct and every time human monitoring of all projects. When we arrived, its managers and workers welcomed us without appearing confused. This is due to their hard work and confidence in their work, but today, Saturday, they completed the new phase. it is the integration of the transformer into the Shendi network, and the difficult tracks will end. The place was filled with great joy and an exchange of thanks and greetings. The achievement is great and the challenges they faced were greater. be proud of their success, and we must thank them for the enormous work they have accomplished in a short time. Thus, the conversion capacity of the Shendi station became (150) megavolt-amperes, whereas previously it was only (95). The joy was evident on the faces of Engineer Ali Habibullah Hassan, Director of the Northern Network Administration, and Engineer Musab Al-Sir Hamida, Director of the Shendi Transformer Station, who in turn thanked all parties who contributed to the success of the project. job.

Gentlemen, I hope everyone sees the enormous efforts these men have made to ensure that the citizens of Shendi enjoy a stable and continuous supply.

From now on, Shendi will open its doors to investors with confidence, and electricity lacks opportunities for investors to enter. On this occasion, we again appeal to state leaders to provide the remaining two stations so that the picture is complete and Shendi. is experiencing the economic recovery it deserves.

The article was published The good news… electricity has arrived – Endoscopy – ✍️ Amna Al-Saydah First on Zoll net.

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